Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Undergraduate Course Syllabi

The links below provide access to the master syllabus for each undergraduate course in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science:


EECS 1000 - Introduction to Electrical Engineering

EECS 1030- Intro to Computer Science Engineering

EECS 1100 - Digital Logic Design

EECS 1500 - Intro. to Programming

EECS 1510 - Intro. to Object Oriented Programming

EECS 2000 - Professional Development

EECS 2110 - Computer Architecture and Organization

EECS 2300- Electric Circuits I

EECS 2500 - Linear Data Structures

EECS 2510 - Nonlinear Data Structures

EECS 2520 - Discrete Structures

EECS 3100 - Embedded Systems

EECS 3150 - Data Communications

EECS 3210 - Signals and Systems

EECS 3220 - Electric Circuits II

EECS 3300 - Probabilistic Methods

EECS 3400 - Electronics I

EECS 3420 - Electronics II

EECS 3440 - Electronics Lab

EECS 3460 - Electrical Energy Conversion

EECS 3480 - Energy Conversion Laboratory

EECS 3540 - Operating Systems and Systems Programming

EECS 3550 - Software Engineering

EECS 3560 - Programming Language Paradigms

EECS 3710 - Electromagnetics I

EECS 3720 - Electromagnetics II

EECS 4010 - Senior Design I

EECS 4020 - Senior Design II

EECS 4100 - Theory of Computation

EECS 4120 - Intro. to Fuzzy Systems and Applications

EECS 4130 - Digital Design

EECS 4170 - Real Time Embedded System Design

EECS 4200 - Feedback Control Systems

EECS 4220 - Programmable Logic Controllers

EECS 4240 - Power Systems Operation

EECS 4260 - Control Systems Design

EECS 4330 - Image Analysis and Computer Vision

EECS 4360 - Communication Systems

EECS 4380 - Digital Signal Processing

EECS 4390 - Wireless and Mobile Networks

EECS 4410 - Electro-Optics

EECS 4460 - Power Systems Analysis

EECS 4470 - Electronic Design

EECS 4480 - Power Electronics

EECS 4490 - Electronic Energy Processing II

EECS 4520 - Advanced Systems Programming

EECS 4530 - Computer Graphics I

EECS 4560 - Database Systems I

EECS 4580 - Human Computer Interface Design

EECS 4590 - Algorithms

EECS 4600 - Solid State Devices

EECS 4720 - Fundamentals of Cyber Security 

EECS 4740 - Artificial Intelligence

EECS 4750 - Machine Learning

EECS 4760 - Computer Security

EECS 4980 - Inside Cryptography

EECS 4980 - Open Source Software Development

Last Updated: 7/15/24