The Council of Biomedical Graduate Students

The Council of Biomedical Graduate Students (CBGS)


The officers for the 2024-2025 academic year are as follows:


President: Sachin Aryal                                                                                                         
Vice President: Ishan Manandhar
Secretary: Mrunmayee Kandalgaonkar                                                     
Treasurer: Upasana Shrestha                                                     
Publicist: Bivek Timalsina
Ex-Officio: Ben French


Cell and Cancer Biology: Rejina Shrestha
Molecular Medicine: Oluwatosin Akinola
Medical Microbiology and Immunology: Jessica Jiron
Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders: Hemaa Sree Kumar
MD/PhD & Bioinformatics: Hunter Eby
Pharmacy: Syed Abdil-Moiz Hasan 
First Year Representative: TBD
International Students: Mrunmayee Kandalgaonkar, Ishan Manandhar, and Sachin Aryal
Last Updated: 7/15/24