Facilities and Construction

Space Change Instructions

Space Request Form
Part I.  Request for Space 
Part II.  Request for Change in Occupancy 
Part III.  Request for Change in Room Use 


When to Use

  • Part I of this form is to be completed any time there is a “Request for Space” (a request for different or additional space when a specific space has not been identified).
  • Part II of this form is to be completed any time there is a “Request for Change in Occupancy” (a request for a change in the departmental assignment of a room).
  • Part III of this form is to be completed any time there is a “Request for Change in Room Use” (a request for a change in the primary use of a room).


  • To promote the efficient use of space.
  • To foster a coordinated approach to addressing space needs on all campuses.
  • To improve customer service for those making requests.
  • To ensure transparency and accountability in the space allocation process.
  • To ensure that all requests for space, requests for change in occupancy, and requests for change in room use are authorized by the responsible parties.
  • To ensure that the University's facilities information (building floor plans and space inventory) is current, for internal space management purposes and for accurate reporting to external agencies (Ohio Board of Regents, Ohio Department of Higher Education, Medicare, National Science Foundation, etc.).

Approvals Required

All requests involving allocation of academic space must be approved by the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.  All requests involving allocation of non-academic space must be approved by the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration.  All requests involving allocation of space at the UT Medical Center (UTMC) must be approved by the Executive Vice President for Clinical Affairs.  Instances in which a request for space allocation involves a combination of academic, non-academic, and/or UTMC space may result in the three Executive Vice Presidents conferring to provide approvals.

Submittal Process

The form is designed to be signed digitally.  The form can also be filled in electronically and then printed for required signatures and distribution.  Any relevant supporting material should be attached.

For a "Request for Space" (a request for different or additional space when a specific space has not been identified):

  • Complete the fields in Part I of the form. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)

  • Obtain authorizing signatures at department level (director or department chair) and division/college level (vice president or dean).

  • Submit form to Office of Space Planning (MS #216).

  • Note:  In the case of a "Request for Space" based on domino moves required by a capital project (rather than generated by the user),  Facilities and Construction staff will initiate a "Request for Space" for each impacted unit, and the process will continue as outlined below.

For a "Request for Change in Occupancy" (a request for a change in the departmental assignment of a room):

  • Complete the fields in Part II of the form, for both present and proposed room assignments.

  • Obtain authorizing signatures at department level (director or department chair) and division/college level (vice president or dean) - for both present and proposed room assignments (the unit that will vacate the space and the unit that will occupy the space).

  • Submit form to Office of Space Planning (MS #216).

For a "Request for Change in Room Use" (a request for a change in the primary use of a room):

  • Complete the fields in Part III of the form, for both present use and proposed use of room.

  • Obtain authorizing signatures at department level (director or department chair) and division/college level (vice president or dean).  
  • Submit form to Office of Space Planning (MS #216).

Review Process

For all requests (involving Part I, Part II or Part III of the space request form), the Office of Space Planning will log the request and guide it through the review process.  This may involve:

  • Reviewing the request with Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, and Executive Vice President for Clinical Affairs (as appropriate), to determine relative priority of request.

  • Analyzing "Requests for Space" and proposing option(s), based on information provided by requester on Part I of form and follow-up investigation by Office of Space Planning with requester.

  • Reviewing option(s) with Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, and Executive Vice President for Clinical Affairs (as appropriate), as well as with the requester.

  • Completing Part II of form ("Request for Change in Occupancy") for the particular space(s) involved in the accepted option developed in response to a "Request for Space".


The Office of Space Planning will coordinate obtaining the required approvals.

For a "Request for Change in Occupancy" (Part II) or a "Request for Change in Room Use" (Part III), this involves:

  • Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs - approval required for all requests involving academic space.

  • Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration - approval required for all requests involving non-academic space.

  • Executive Vice President for Clinical Affairs - approval required for all requests involving space at the UT Medical Center.

Note:  Instances in which a space request involves a combination of academic, non-academic and/or UTMC space may result in two or more of the Executive Vice Presidents (as appropriate) conferring to provide approvals.

Note:  A "Request for Space" (Part I) does not itself progress to the point of needing approval by an Executive Vice President.  It may develop into a "Request for Change in Occupancy" (Part II), which does require such approval.


The Office of Space Planning will notify involved parties after "Requests for Change in Occupancy" and "Requests for Change in Room Use"  receive final approval(s).  The parties to be notified include:

  • Requester

  • Director/department chair and VP/dean who authorized the request
  • Current occupant (if different from requester)

  • UT Police (for Safety, Security and Key Control)
  • Information Technology (for data and telecommunications)

  • Facilities and Construction (for maintenance and key control)
  • Research Administration (if research space is involved)

If a request is not approved, at any step in the process, the Office of Space Planning will notify the requester of this action, with a brief description of why the request was not approved.

Related Issues

  • If physical alterations are required, initiate a Capital Project Request Form after the “Request for Change in Occupancy” or “Request for Change in Room Use” is approved. The Capital Project Request must be approved in its entirety before work can begin.
  • Moving Services: Effective January 1, 2010 all internal moving services at The University of Toledo, regardless of campus location, will be performed by Stevens Worldwide Van Lines, Inc. Go to Moving Services now part of Purchasing Services, for more information.
  • Phone Relocation: On Main Campus and Health Science Campus, go to Telcom website http://www.telecom.utoledo.edu/Telecom_Forms.asp for additional information. 
  • Computer Equipment Relocation : Send request to Information Technology using the "Help Desk" icon on your desktop or call 419.530.2400 (Main Campus or Health Science Campus).
  • Cable TV Requests:  Send request to Information Technology, following directions at this URL:  http://www.utoledo.edu/it/unified-communications/cablevision-services.html.
  • Key Requests:  Go to Key Control website http://www.utoledo.edu/facilities/keys/.
Last Updated: 2/15/24