Department of English Language and Literature

Mike DuBose

Mike DuBose
Office: FH 1400M
Phone: 419.530.2820
Office Hours

Mike S. DuBose (Ph.D. Bowling Green State University in American Culture Studies) teaches various composition classes for the department. He is also a media scholar who has presented his work at international conferences. His recent publications include an essay in the critical anthology Captain America and the Struggle of the Superhero, several reviews in Reconstruction, and an article in Television and New Media. Dr. DuBose's main areas of research interest include 1980s popular culture, critical media studies, and the application of complexity theory to the study of culture. In addition to all this high-falutin' college stuff, Dr. DuBose is also a performing musician (in Midwest Tourist and as a solo performer under the name TheMikeDuBose), a father, a pretty good cook, and a dreamer.

Last Updated: 6/27/22