Department of Geography and Planning

Department News

Outstanding GEPL Graduating Student was also selected as the 2013 LLSS College Outstanding Graduating Student
  Lance Dasher
May.7th, 2013  
Lance Dasher, who graduated last week from the BA Geography degree program as the 2013 Outstanding GEPL Graduating Student and was also selected as the 2013 LLSS College Outstanding Graduating Student...

Professor edits first book, plans to write another   Dr.Alam
Feb.15th 2013  
Dr. Bhuiyan M. Alam, associate professor of urban and regional planning in the Department of Geography and Planning, recently edited his first book, Application of Geographic Information Systems — 372 pages, comprised of 18 chapters and 48 different authors...

Foreclosures don’t always mean loss of home, Dr.Hammel and Dr.Shetty’s research shows   Dr.Hammel
September 13th, 2012  
Housing foreclosures may have dropped from the front-page news, but Americans are still losing their homes. Dr. Dan Hammel, professor in the Department of Geography and Planning, who’s researching several aspects of national foreclosure trends, said that the situation remains volatile: “Are we still in a foreclosure crisis? Yes, because some of the root causes and practices that led to the crisis are ongoing.” He noted that...  

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Professor honours students of the Humboldt Gymnasium   Dr.C
August 27th, 2012  
In the middle of the summer vacation the high school Alexander-von-Humboldt Gymnasium was visited by a professor from the US who appeared to be quite taken with the work of this school. Prof. Kevin Czajkowski and his wife visited the GLOBE study group (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment)...  

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Professor sends students to White House Science Fair   Suzan
July 9th, 2012  
Have you ever dreamed of presenting your hard work to the president of the United States of America? Dr. Kevin Czajkowski, UT professor of geography, has given K-12 students a chance to do just that...  

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Professor’s book on Jeju Island published in Korean translation   Dr.Nemeth
June 19th, 2012  
After spending two years on Cheju Island with the Peace Corps in 1972, Dr. David Nemeth, returned to America to begin studying and writing a book about the traditional agricultural practices of the islanders and how these were being disrupted by Korea’s rapidly industrializing economy...  

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Students suggest renovations to Toledo’s UpTown District   Dr.Alam and Students
May 30th, 2012  
The UpTown District of Toledo has the potential to become a family-friendly environment, and UT students who participated in a Community Planning Workshop class have suggestions to make it happen...  

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University honors faculty, staff for advising, researching, teaching, outreach work   Dr.C
May 3rd, 2012  
UT outstanding advisers, researchers and teachers, and recipients of the Edith Rathbun Award for Outreach and Engagement were recognized last week at the Academic Honors Reception. Dr. Kevin Czajkowski was the winner of the Outstanding Researcher Award; Dr. Patrick Lawrence was the winner of the Edith Rathbun Award for Outreach and Engagement...  

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UT student to intern at National Geographic Society   Yujin
April 25th, 2012  
Yujin Lee, a junior Geography and Planning student, will spend her summer in Washington, D.C., as one of a limited number of geography interns at the National Geographic Society...  

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Researcher travels to China to study gentrification   Dr.Hammel
January 27th, 2012  
The marks of any academic worth her or his scholastic salt may be said to be the ingenuity and adaptability to reshape a research program in response to a changing world. Last fall, Dr.Dan Hammel traveled to Nanjing Normal University to pursue his research and study gentrification in Chinese cities...  

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Last Updated: 7/15/24