Workplace Accommodations
There are various reasons why an employee may request reasonable workplace accommodation. Accommodations may be requested on the following bases:
ADA Accommodations
Requesting reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with disabilities. Accommodations may include, but are not limited to:
- Equipment
- Technology upgrades
- Job restructuring
- Part-time or modified work schedules
- ASL Interpreters
Religious Accomodations
Requesting a workplace accommodation due to a sincerely held religious belief. Accommodation may include, but are not limited to:
- Access to a prayer room
- Waiver of dress code policy
- Flexible schedule
- Time-off for religious observance
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Nursing Accommodations
Requesting reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals related to pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing include, but are not limited to:
- Job restructuring
- Part-time or modified work schedules
- Access to a private space for nursing
- Additional breaks to allow for nursing
ADA Accommodation Request Process for Employees
In accordance with federal law, the University of Toledo provides reasonable workplace accommodations to ensure individuals with qualifying disabilities enjoy access to employment opportunities. In accordance with applicable federal and state laws, HR Compliance processes accommodation requests for all faculty and staff.
For more information regarding accommodations at the University for eligible faculty and staff, please contact HR Compliance via phone at 419-530-4747 or by email at
ADA Accommodation Request FormApplicant/Candidate ADA Accommodation Request FormMedical Inquiry and Release Form
Submit a completed ADA Accommodation Request Form and supporting documentation
- Employees with a qualifying disability in need of an employment accommodation can
begin the process by completing the online request form
- Applicants/Candidates can begin the process by completing this request form.
- Employees should include supporting medical documentation as part of the process. Employees are encouraged to provide their physician the Medical Inquiry and Release Form to be submitted as part of the process, though a medical provider may use their own form or letter.
For more information regarding accommodations at the University, and the process please contact HR Compliance staff via phone at 419-530-4747or by email at
Next Steps
After receiving notification of an ADA Accommodation request, applicants will be contacted to schedule a time to discuss the requested accommodation and next steps.
Department Supervisors
Supervisors who have questions about carrying out ADA Accommodations should contact HR Compliance.
ADA Reasonable Workplace Accommodation Resources
The following links are to external resources related to the Americans with Disabilities Act and reasonable workplace accommodations.
- Job Accommodation Network:
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: The ADA Your Employment Rights as an Individual With a Disability
- Ohio Civil Rights Comission- Know Your Rights
The University of Toledo is committed to diversity and inclusiveness for all of our employees. Reasonable religious workplace accommodations are done to enable an employee to participate in their religious practice or belief without undue hardship to the university. HR Compliance processes religious accommodation requests for all faculty and staff.
Submit A Completed Religious Accommodation Request Form And Supporting Documentation
Employees who wish to request a religious accommodation can begin the process by completing the online request form.
For more information regarding accommodations at the University please contact HR Compliance staff via phone at 419-530-4747 or by email at
Next Steps
After receiving notification of a Religious Accommodation request, applicants will be contacted to schedule a time to discuss the requested accommodation and next steps.
Department Supervisors
Supervisors who have questions about carrying out Religious Accommodations should contact the HR Compliance.
Religious Accommodation Resources
The following link to external information from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission related to religious accommodations.
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Ohio Civil Rights Comission- Know Your Rights
The University of Toledo, in accordance with state and federal law, provides employees with reasonable accommodations related to pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Nursing Accommodations Request Form
Submit a completed Pregnancy, Childbirth, or Nursing Accommodation Request Form
The University of Toledo is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for pregnant workers. Employees who need accommodations due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions can begin the process by completing the online request form. Employees seeking a leave of absence from work should visit the UToledo Leave of Absence Webpage or reach out to for more information.
For more information regarding employment accommodations at the University, please contact HR Compliance staff via phone at 419-530-4747 or by email at
Next Steps
After receiving notification of a Pregnancy, Childbirth, or Nursing Accommodation request, applicants will be contacted to schedule a time to discuss the requested accommodation and next steps.
Department Supervisors
Supervisors who have questions about carrying out Pregnancy, Childbirth, or Nursing Accommodations should contact the HR Compliance.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Nursing Accommodation Resources
The following link to external information from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission related to religious accommodations.
What is the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA)?
The PWFA is a federal law that is effective as of June 27, 2023. This law requires that employers, including The University of Toledo, provide reasonable accommodations based on an employee’s known limitations due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition.
What should I do if I am experiencing limitations due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition?
If you need accommodations (modifications to the job, environment, policy, or practice) to manage those limitations, contact the Office of HR Compliance. HR Compliance is responsible for facilitating the process for PWFA accommodation requests. You can contact the office at at HRCompliance@UToledo.Edu, 419-530-4747, or visit our website at HR Compliance.
Do I need to give my supervisor a doctor’s note?
You do not need to provide your supervisor with any medical documentation. However, during the PWFA process, you may be asked to provide additional information, including clarification of your limitations.
Am I able to take time off to attend doctor appointments during work hours?
Yes, however, you must utilize available paid time off balances. If you do not have paid time off available, you will need to request unpaid time off. Reach out to HR Compliance if you need assistance.
What happens during the PWFA accommodation request process?
Once you contact HR Compliance, we will work with you to understand any limitations you are experiencing due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition. This will include asking you to complete an attestation with this information or providing additional clarification if needed. HR Compliance will then try to identify what accommodations may be effective or appropriate based on the limitations shared.
HR Compliance will then contact your supervisor and any appropriate partners to discuss
the requested accommodations and how they impact the unit, its operations, and other
considerations. Based on this information, our office will help determine what, if
any, reasonable accommodations must be provided to you under the PWFA.
HR Compliance will initiate a reevaluation of any accommodations provided depending
on the nature of the accommodation. During this reevaluation, HR Compliance will work
with you and your supervisor to assess whether any ongoing requests are reasonable
or if an alternative process (such as under the ADA accommodation process) should
be initiated.
At any time, you or your supervisor can contact HR Compliance if there are questions
or concerns about the accommodations provided. This can include questions about needing
to identify new accommodations or modify the existing arrangement.
How does the University decide which accommodations to give me under the PWFA?
The PWFA requires that the University provide “reasonable accommodations.” What is reasonable will depend on the specific accommodations requested and how those accommodations impact your department, the department’s operations, and other considerations. It is a decision that is made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account all relevant information.
What kind of accommodations can I ask for under the PWFA?
An accommodation is a modification to the job, the environment, policy, or practice which will address the limitations you are experiencing due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition. Therefore, what accommodations you may need will be based on your individual experience. HR Compliance will work with you to understand your limitations, how those limitations arise within your role, and then brainstorm potential accommodations that might effectively address those limitations. You should let HR Compliance know if you have ideas for potentially effective accommodations. Similarly, HR Compliance will also identify effective alternatives that may be considered.
What if I no longer wish to request accommodations under the PWFA? Do I need to get a doctor’s note clearing me to return without restrictions?
You may withdraw your request for PWFA accommodations at any time. This typically will not require you to submit a medical note clearing you to resume work without accommodations.
How long will my accommodations last?
The PWFA anticipates that many of the accommodations will be temporary in nature. HR Compliance will work with you and your supervisor to understand any ongoing need for accommodations and whether those accommodations are reasonable in light of the extended time period. HR Compliance will also determine if you should pursue continuing accommodations through the ADA process if appropriate.
Who do I contact about a leave of absence for pregnancy or parenting?
If you would like additional information on access to leaves of absence, such as FMLA, you can find out more information at or you may reach out to our Leaves of Absence team directly at If you currently have an FMLA or are not eligible for FMLA at this time, we can explore ADA leave or non-FMLA HR leave options that may be available to you.
Who should I contact with any additional questions regarding the PWFA or accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition?
Any questions or concerns can be directed to HR Compliance at: HRCompliance@UToledo.Edu
contact HR Compliance Staff
Mailing Address
The University of Toledo
2801 W. Bancroft Street
Human Resources, MS 205
Toledo, Ohio 43606
Physical Address
The Center for Administrative Support
2935 E. Rocket Dr
Toledo, OH 43606
Jenn Ray
Associate Director, HR Compliance
Phone: 419-530-2508
Jennifer Burton
HR Compliance Specialist
Phone: 419-530-1494
Shelby Zeides
HR Compliance Specialist
Phone: 419-530-1485