Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Dr. Henry Ledgard


Professor Emeritus


  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Software Engineering
  • Programming
  • Programming Languages


Dr. Henry Ledgard received his B.A. from Tufts University in 1964 and his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1969. He spent a year at the University of Oxford as a post-doctoral fellow. He was a faculty member at Johns Hopkins University, and subsequently was on the faculty at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. In 1977, he became a member of the design team to create the new programming language ADA. From 1979 he conducted his own consulting and writing practice. In 1989 he joined the faculty at the University of Toledo. 


  • Henry Ledgard et. al., the Programming Proverbs series, with editions in Basic, Cobol, Fortran, and Pascal, Hayden Publishing Company
  • Henry Ledgard, Andrew Singer, and John Whiteside, Directions In Human Factors For Interactive Systems, Springer-Verlag
  • Henry Ledgard, "Ada: A First Introduction", Springer-Verlag
  • Michael Marcotty and Henry Ledgard, "Programming Language Landscape"
  • Henry Ledgard, "Professional Software: Volume I: Software Engineering Concepts", Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
  • Henry Ledgard, "Professional Software Volume II: Programming Practice" Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
  • Henry Ledgard, The Little Book of Object-Oriented Programming (based on a work with Michael Marcotty) Prentice-Hall

Journal Publications

  • Yasushi Kambayashi and Henry F. Ledgard, The Separation Principle - A Programming Paradigm IEEE Software, March/April 2004.
  • Donald Anselmo and Henry Ledgard, Measuring Productivity in the Computer Industry, Communications of the ACM, November 2003.
  • Henry F. Ledgard , The Emperor has No Clothes, short paper, Communications of the ACM, October 2001.
  • Henry Ledgard (Editor) Special section on empirical works, Human Aspects of Computing area, Communications of the ACM, July 1986.
  • Henry Ledgard and Andrew Singer, Scaling Down Ada, (or towards a standard Ada subset) Communications of the ACM, February 1982.
  • Henry Ledgard (Editor) Special section on empirical works, Human Aspects of Computing area, Communications of the ACM, July 1986.
  • Andrew Singer, Henry Ledgard, and Jon Hueras, The Annotated Assistant: A Step Towards Human Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, July 1981.
Last Updated: 7/15/24