Communications, Control and Signal Processing (CCSP)
Group Leader: Mohsin Jamali
Members: Junghwan Kim, Ezzatollah Salari, Manish Kumar, Richard Molyet
The research in the Communication Systems, Control and Signal Processing focus group involve wide variety of topics such as data compression and image processing, satellite communication, sensor array processing and development of hardware for real time applications computation for digital receiver and passive radar systems.
The research in data compression and image processing mainly focuses on the development of efficient algorithms for video compression, packetization schemes for multimedia bitstreams, as well as neural network based image enhancement and restoration. A variety of advanced compression techniques including fast vector quantization, subband coding using wavelet transform, optimal packetization schemes for embedded bit-streams, and video motion estimation have been developed. In addition, projects are underway for the enhancement and compression of biomedical signals including electrocardiogram (ECG) data compression. The research in communication systems involves modeling, simulation and performance analysis of communication systems, mobile/satellite system architecture, network and payload design. Work also involves on tactical communication network, digital video/audio/multimedia broadcasting, turbo coding, LDPC code and their applications. The signal processing area focuses on real time implementation of sensor array processing algorithms using FPGA and cell processors.
Area of Focus
The Communications and Signal Processing faculty conduct research in several areas:
- Modeling, Simulation and Performance Analysis of Communication Systems
- Mobile/Satellite System Architecture
- Network and Payload Design
- Tactical Communication Networks
- Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
- High Performance Embedded Hardware Implementation of Sensor Array Processing Algorithms
- Radar Signal Processing and Digital Receiver
- FPGA and Cell based embedded systems for smart antennas and adaptive control systems
- Application Specific Computer Architectures, In-Vehicle Networks and Data Bus
- Data Compression-Multimedia Communication
- Image/Video/Signal Processing
- Applied Neural Networks for Industrial & Medical Applications
Joseph Downey( Left) and Joseph Tipping (Right) demonstrating their FPGA based 64-point radix-4 FFT architecture during Senior Design Expo Spring 2008
- Communications Lab
- Wireless Networking Lab
- High Performance Embedded Hardware Implementation of Sensor Array Processing Algorithms
- FPGA Based Embedded Systems for smart antennas and adaptive control systems
- Application Specific Computer Architectures and In-vehicle Networks and cognitive network data bus
- The signal processing area focuses on real time implementation of sensor array processing and radar signal processing algorithms using FPGA and cell processors.
Dr. Jamali's research is in the areas of High performance embedded hardware implementation of sensor array processing algorithms, radar signal processing, digital receiver, FPGA and Cell based embedded systems for smart antennas and adaptive control systems, application specific computer architectures, in-vehicle networks and data bus.
Dr. Kim's research is in the areas of Modeling, simulation and performance analysis of communication systems, mobile/satellite system architecture, network and payload design, tactical communication networks and digital multimedia broadcasting.
Dr. Salari's research is in the areas of Data compression-multimedia communication, image/video/signal processing, applied neural networks for industrial and medical applications.
Contact Info
Dr. Mohsin Jamali - Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering & computer Science
2027 Nitschke Hall, Mail Stop 308
The University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390
Phone : (419) 530-8162
Fax : (419) 530-8146