Counselor Education Program (MA, PhD)

Needs Assessment: Fall 2022 Summary and Response

UToledo Counselor Education Needs Assessment Summary & Response 

In October 2022 the counselor education (CED) faculty at UToledo conducted a needs assessment of student experience focused on the areas of a) program satisfaction, b) instruction, c) course offerings/times, d) advising, e) diversity, equity, and inclusion, and f) program strengths and weaknesses. Students were asked to rate the program on a scale of one to five (1 to 5) stars in the previous domains and were also offered the opportunity to provide comments/qualitative feedback regarding those areas. These data were collected via a survey using Microsoft forms and was sent to all students in CED program (Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMH), School Counseling (SCH), and the Counselor Education PhD (PHD). The faculty have reviewed this student feedback and will provide a summary of findings and a response to the feedback below.

10 students completed the needs assessment (~10% response rate). Student respondent demographics include:

  • Specialization: CMHC (n= 5) and PHD (n= 5),
  • Gender: cisgender female (n= 10)
  • Age: M= 33.81, Range 21-58
  • Semesters in program: M=3.12 Range= 1- 7
    • CMHC: 3.4 (Range 1-6)
    • CED: 3.8 (Range 1-7)

Note: We did not elect to collect demographic information re: ethnocultural identity to protect anonymity of student respondents. Findings from the measured domains of interest are presented below.

Student Rating of Program

Overall students rated our program 4/5 stars. Ratings by program are below:

  • CMHC: 4.2/5
  • PHD: 4.4/5

Faculty are pleased with an overall high rating from our students and believe it reflects the quality of our program. These ratings are also congruent in what was received and reported in our fall 2021 Need Assessment (approximately 4/5 overall).

Student Satisfaction with Instruction

Students rated instruction 4.36/5 stars. Ratings by program are below:

  • CMHC: 4.4/5
  • PHD: 5/5

Qualitatively, students shared instructors provide a safe space for authentic classroom discussions and that instruction is consistent and supportive. Students did not provide negative instructor feedback and overall are pleased with instructional quality. The overall instructional satisfaction score remained the same, with the PhD score increasing (5/5) for this assessment year.

Satisfaction with Course Offerings/Course Times

Students rated course offerings and times 4/5 stars. Ratings by program are below:

  • CMHC: 4/5
  • PHD: 4/5

For many qualitative comments, students were satisfied with course offerings and course times. Doctoral students specifically mentioned challenges related to research courses (RESM courses) in their feedback UToledo Counselor Education Needs Assessment Summary & Response 2
this year. Students shared that elective offerings were not as frequent as they would like. Quantitatively this score remains the same same, with a slight reduction from fall 2021 (4.24 to 4 out of 5).

Satisfaction with Advising

Students rated advising 4.3/5 stars. Ratings by program are below:

  • CMHC: 4.4/5
  • PHD: 4.2/5

Students commented that they appreciated the support and attention that they receive from their advisors. Overwhelmingly, students were pleased with advising and appreciated efforts undertaken by advisors to attend to student needs. Again, findings remain consistent year over year.

Satisfaction with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Students rated DEI efforts 4.7/5 stars. Ratings by program are below:

  • CMHC: 4.4/5
  • PHD: 5/5

Students indicated that DEI was a specific strength of our program and expressed appreciation for its infusion across curriculums. This area represents a slight increase year over year with both increases from CMHC and PhD students (and therefore overall). Students specifically appreciated the focus on diversity across the curriculum and the initiation of our student diversity committee.

Program Strengths

Students were asked to qualitatively provide feedback on program strengths. Students identified strengths in the following areas:

CMHC Student Comments

I love our instructors - thank you for your kindness, passion, and enthusiasm with which you advocate for Counselor Education students.

As of right now the understanding of the program is clear and good communication. It also gives the opportunity for students to network.
Compassion, sincerity, and overall flexibility shown towards students. I also appreciate the dedicated individual attention for students when
needed, and that we feel welcome in doing so.
I like the later class times and that many of our instructors are still working in the field. It is not so focused on testing and exams which fosters a space for growth. It allows for true learning and bettering of our skills.

PhD Student Comments

I appreciate all of the support that I have received as a student and also additional support as a human with other issues that have impacted my life. All of the faculty were incredibly supportive
of me and genuinely cared about me, and wanted me to succeed.

I appreciate the mentorship opportunities from all
ends and the amount of opportunities to engage in
projects, research, etc.

Adherence to CACREP standards

The Brown Bag events, CEs, diversity committee and additional initiatives the program puts on do not go unnoticed. They are very muchappreciated.

The present faculty are dedicated to the program. They are doing extremely well this year balancing even though they short 2 faculty. The GA benefits, beyond the funding, are excellent. I feel I have been provided with several opportunities to teach and do research (that
interests me) that would not have been possible in other programs. I also feel very supported in forming my own identity and seeking
opportunities to challenge me. I like that there is limited competition between fellow doctoral students and I think this stems from the
faculty/program values.

Program Areas for Improvement

Students also provided qualitative feedback on areas for program improvement:

CMHC Student Comments

More time spent discussing what to expect for practicum and internship may be helpful. I felt that we were only offered a short time to prepare before practicum and I was very overwhelmed. The process seemed too rushed. I know of other students who voiced similar thoughts.

I think promoting Cohort togetherness would be
beneficial. Additionally, not having the
Professional Orientation class in person has been
difficult because I still feel like big questions
aren't being answered in regard to our coursework
here, practicum, etc. Having it take place in
person would allow for more discussion and help
us expand our competence in regard to ethical
dilemmas and general program questions.

PhD Student Comments

It could be helpful for future cohorts and the simplicity of scheduling to offer verbal comps on a pre-scheduled day like the written comps.

A school counselor educator specialization that
includes teaching social-emotional learning
standards to future school counselors.
On boarding for GA and 1st year students in general in terms of BB, book ordering, etc. might be helpful.

Program Response

Faculty are appreciative of student feedback and the additional data to support our goals of program improvement. Upon review of the needs assessment data faculty have identified two primary needs for the program to address as a) staffing issues and b) curricular offerings. The counselor education program is currently searching for two new faculty members to join the program in fall 2023. We hope that these additions with not only strengthen the curriculum but also the presence and impact of advising. The program is also undertaking significant curricular changes for fall 2023 to include new courses and program modifications. We hope these changes will better address student need.


Overall, the results of the fall 2022 needs assessment indicate we continue to maintain a rigorous and highly rated program, from student perspectives. We are pleased with where the program is but also excited for this opportunity to integrate student feedback to continue to make our program the strongest it can be. We will increase our focus on the above two initiatives in this academic year. We will re-assess students’ needs in fall 2023 with another needs assessment to identify further needs and areas for programmatic growth.

Last Updated: 11/21/22