Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program

Course Descriptions

OCCT7000 Foundations of Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
This course introduces students to the history, philosophy, core concepts, ethics, and the domain and process of occupational therapy. Students also explore the basic tenets of therapeutic occupation and investigate the role that chosen occupations play within an individual’s daily life. Professional skills in occupational analysis and professional communication are introduced and applied. Students also complete concurrent lab experiences with students from other health care professions as part of the university-wide Interprofessional Education Program. 

OCCT7010 Occupational Therapy Models of Practice I (5 credits)
Examines the biomechanical model of practice including its musculoskeletal and kinesiological foundations.  Includes assessments and interventions for prevention, adaptation, and compensation. 

OCCT7110 Research in Occupational Therapy I (4 credits)
Examines quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Includes critical analysis of occupational therapy research. Explores areas of possible research interest with guidance from potential major advisors.

OCCT7210 Occupational Therapy Advocacy I (2 credits)
Explores the role of occupational therapist as educator. Examines educational theory, instructional methods and technology, and evaluation of teaching effectiveness with patients, families, peers, supervisees, and community groups.

OCCT7310 Fieldwork and Professional Development I (1 credit)
Introduces Level I and Level II Fieldwork, and the Capstone Experience, including policy, procedures, and documentation and the portfolio assignment. Defines professional behavior and health care communication.  Encourages discussion of Level I fieldwork experiences. Includes a Level I fieldwork experience.

OCCT7020 Occupational Therapy Models of Practice II (5 credits)
An introduction to the nervous system, with emphasis on the neurological basis of human occupation and the effects of neurological conditions (disease, injury, and mental illness) on occupational performance. Explores neuroplasticity and neuro rehabilitation. Labs include neuroanatomy and clinical assessment.

OCCT7030 Occupational Therapy Models of Practice III (4 credits)
Explores historical and alternative conceptual frameworks of occupation and therapeutic occupation. Examines cognitively based and general models of practice. Presents related assessments and interventions for prevention, adaptation, and compensation. 

OCCT8120 Research in Occupational Therapy II (3 credits)
Provides structure for student, guided by faculty mentor, to define a research question, investigate the literature, explore the site(s) for data collection, and prepare a preliminary research proposal. Involves individual faculty contact.

OCCT7400 Conditions in Occupational Therapy (2 credits)
Reviews the physical and mental health conditions that challenge successful and satisfying occupational performance, with an emphasis on the aspects of medical management and rehabilitation relevant to the role of the occupational therapist.

OCCT7320 Fieldwork and Professional Development II (1 credit)
Emphasizes interviewing clients for an occupational profile.  Encourages discussion of Level I fieldwork experiences. Introduces the course sequence of the Capstone Experience. Includes Level I fieldwork experience.

OCCT7040 Occupational Therapy Models of Practice IV (5 credits)
Focuses on the occupational therapy process and models of practice for intervention with children and individuals with neurological impairments, including assessment and intervention.

OCCT7220 Occupational Therapy Advocacy II (2 credits)
Applies teaching principles as students assume the role of educators to the community. Explores the role of the therapist in design, development, implementation, and evaluation of occupational therapy curricula. Integrates presentation of self and professionalism.

OCCT7330 Fieldwork and Professional Development III (1 credit)
Introduces the Capstone Semester opportunities in teaching, research, program development, or clinical practice. An introduction of the Capstone Manual and the structure for planning the individualized Capstone Experience is included. A forum for discussion of practicum experiences is provided.

OCCT8050 Occupational Therapy Models of Practice V (5 credits)
Advances clinical reasoning for occupational therapy practice to support occupational performance throughout the lifespan, including prevention of occupational impairment.for discussion of practicum experiences is provided.

OCCT8060 Occupational Therapy Models of Practice VI (4 credits)
Examines compensation-oriented models of practice including assistive technology, positioning, patient handling, and mobility. Presents occupational and non-occupational assessments and interventions for prevention, adaptation, and compensation.

OCCT8230 Occupational Therapy Advocacy III (2 credits)
Identifies advocacy issues relevant to occupational therapy; introduces community resources that can enhance successful and satisfying reintegration back into home, school, work, and/or community. Explores legislation and ethical issues that influence health care provision.

OCCT8340 Fieldwork and Professional Development IV (1 credit)
Addresses communication with children, family members, and health care professionals; ethics and safety; and cultural diversity. Students identify Capstone Practicum sites, site mentor(s), and the faculty mentor. A forum for discussion of Level I fieldwork experiences is provided. Level I fieldwork experience is included.

OCCT8130 Research in Occupational Therapy III (3 credits)
Provides structure for student to begin data collection after obtaining official approval of project by major advisor and institutional review board. Involves individual faculty contact.

OCCT8070 Occupational Therapy Models of Practice VII (4 credits)
Examines contemporary and possible models of practice emphasizing wellness, health promotion, community care, population-based intervention, and other emerging trends. Provides students with leadership experiences in program development. 

OCCT8080 Occupational Therapy Models of Practice VIII (3 credits)
Models of practice emphasizing group occupational forms, group process, and therapeutic use of self in groups. Involves practice in assessment and intervention with persons experiencing both physical and mental health conditions.

OCCT8240 Occupational Therapy Advocacy IV (3 credits)
Examines leadership, management, and supervision of occupational therapy services in a dynamic health care system. Addresses legislative, regulatory, and payment issues affecting program development. Encourages leadership development.

OCCT8350 Fieldwork and Professional Development V (3 credits)
Addresses issues of clinical supervision; Level II fieldwork policy, procedures, and documentation; and professional development. A forum for discussion of Level I fieldwork experiences is provided.  Students develop a comprehensive Capstone Proposal.  Includes Level I fieldwork experience.

OCCT8360 Fieldwork Level II (3 credits)
Provides a 12-week, full-time, supervised fieldwork experience where students refine entry-level abilities to integrate occupational therapy theory, research, and practice under supervision and with collaboration of the academic institution. An on-line forum for discussion of Level II fieldwork experiences is provided.

OCCT8400 Physical Agent Modalities and other Non-Occupational Methods (2 credits)
Addresses non-occupational methods including physical agent modalities and technology used with medically complex patients.  Covers scientific underpinnings and regulatory guidelines for appropriate use of physical agent modalities in occupational therapy.

OCCT8360 Fieldwork Level II (continued) (3 credits)
Provides a 12-week, full-time, supervised fieldwork experience where students refine entry-level abilities to integrate occupational therapy theory, research, and practice under supervision and with collaboration of the academic institution. An on-line forum for discussion of Level II fieldwork experiences is provided.

OCCT8370 Fieldwork Level II (6 credits)
Provides a 12-week, full-time, supervised fieldwork experience where students refine entry-level abilities to integrate occupational therapy theory, research, and practice under supervision and with collaboration of the academic institution.  An on-line forum for discussion of Level II fieldwork experiences is provided.

OCCT8140 Research in Occupational Therapy IV (3 credits)
Includes completion of data collection, analysis of results, submission of approved final project in journal article format, and formal presentation of the research project. Involves individual faculty contact.

OCCT8380 Capstone Practicum (6 credits)
Students develop skills in teaching, research, program development, advocacy or clinical practice with mentorship by faculty and on-site practitioners. This course, in combination with OCCT8900 and OCCT8910 requires documentation of 640 hours.

OCCT8900 Capstone Dissemination (3 credits)
Focuses on individualized issues arising in the Capstone Practicum. Involves mentorship by site and faculty practitioners and culminates in a paper and a presentation dealing with a specific area within occupational therapy.

OCCT8910 Mentored Studies in Capstone Area (3 credits)
Focuses on mastery of literature and in-depth knowledge of an area within occupational therapy through exploration of library, electronic, and clinical resources.  Lends theoretical and research support to the Capstone Practicum.

Last Updated: 6/27/22