Department of Physics and Astronomy

Research Interests and Centers

The physics and astronomy department at the University of Toledo has researchers working in a wide variety of fields.

Astrophysics and astronomy
& Astronomy
Atomic physics
Biomedical physics
Biophysics &
Medical Physics
Condensed matter, materials science, and photovoltaics
Condensed Matter,
Materials Science,
& Photovoltaics
Photonics and non-linear optics
Photonics &
Non-linear Optics
studying planets, stars, galaxies, and the universe on a large scale through observations and computer models modeling atomic structure and collisions,  studying interactions with light providing technology systems for diagnostic imaging and developing radiation schedules to treat cancer understanding behavior of materials for technological applications, such as high efficiency thin film solar cells developing optical communication technology and materials



Possible REU project descriptions for Summer 2022 :

Astronomy & Astrophysics


Biophysics & Medical Physics

Condensed Matter Material Science and PhotoVoltaics


REU Publications, Previous Project Titles, and Presentations ( <---Click Link)

REU Annual Report for The Summer of 2021 ( <---Click Link)



Ritter Astrophysical Research Center (RARC)

Wright Center for Photovoltaics

Toledo Heavy-Ion Accelerator (THIA)

Center for Parallel Computing

University of Toledo Instrumentation Center

Last Updated: 7/15/24