Board of Trustees Committees
Committee Charge: The academic and student affairs committee will oversee and ensure continuous improvement of University academic activities and student programs with an emphasis on student centeredness. The scope of the committee includes any other matter assigned to the committee by the board or the chairperson of the board.
Committee Charge: The finance and audit committee is charged with oversight and continuous improvement of the financial soundness of the University including oversight of revenue from all sources, and oversight of all expenses, as well as the margin for both the academic and the clinical enterprises. It will receive and recommend action upon budget proposals from the administration. It will review relevant parameters such as Senate Bill 6 ratios, bond ratings, and the cash flow margin for the entire University. It will receive and review reports relative to fund raising and investment performance from The University of Toledo Foundation.
The committee is responsible for the overall audit function of the University, including:
(a) Reviewing the quality of financial reporting with the external auditors and management including financial statement assumptions, disclosures, and accounting policies.
(b) Overseeing the University's system of internal controls and the adequacy of financial, accounting and operational practices on financial reporting.
(c) Reviewing the annual internal audit plan, discussing the extent to which it addresses high-risk areas with the University auditor and management, and approving the final audit plan.
(d) Assuring the effectiveness of the internal audit function including access required and authorization of the appointment or dismissal of the University auditor.
(e) Ensuring the independence of the University auditor through the auditor’s direct-unrestricted reporting to the committee chair and functional reporting to the University administration.
(f) Determining the impact to the University of audits of entities outside the scope of this committee (UT Physicians, UT Insurance Captive, etc.).
(g) Overseeing the implementation of the institution's policy on fraud and irregularity including notification to the committee of any action taken under that policy.
(h) Reviewing the University's compliance with government regulations including legal or regulatory matters materially impacting University operations.
(i) Helping to achieve increased revenue and to advance areas of the strategic plan.
In addition, this committee will function as the facilities committee, receiving and recommending action upon all proposed facilities recommendations. It will receive and review reports from the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics regarding its finances, operations and processes. It will provide oversight of University external affairs, inclusive of global outreach, engagement and University partnerships and relations with campus neighborhoods, business entities, and other relevant community resources.
The scope of this charge to the committee includes all business operations within the legal bounds of The University of Toledo, including academic and clinical enterprises and UT Rocket Innovations.
The scope of the committee includes any other matter assigned to the committee by the board or the chairperson of the board.
Committee Charge: The trusteeship and governance committee ensures the integrity of board governance and the avoidance of conflicts of interest. It fosters a culture of excellence, service, and high ethical standards among University trustees. The committee will also develop and conduct board assessment and oversee board development, including orientation of new members. This committee coordinates the board's annual assessment of the president. The committee will ensure that the highest ethical and legal standards are met. The committee will ensure the implementation of the strategic plan and continuous improvement in appropriate areas are defined and set forth in quantifiable objectives and measures.
In addition, the committee functions as the board personnel committee, receiving and recommending action upon all personnel actions, with the exception of medical staff membership, credentialing, privileging and renewal of privileges, and providing oversight, direction, and recommendations on human resources, compensation strategy, collective bargaining, succession planning and organizational changes to the University. The Office of Governmental Relations will provide updates on federal, state and local activities, initiatives, and legislation that may affect the University.
The scope of the committee includes any other matter assigned to the committee by the board or the chairperson of the board.
UToledo Health Board
The UToledo Health Board (“UTH Board”) shall be the governing body responsible to The University of Toledo Board of Trustees ("University Board of Trustees") for the operation, oversight, and coordination of UToledo Health (“UTH”) including, without limitation:
(1) The University of Toledo Medical Center and its hospital facilities and clinics, which include inpatient and ambulatory services, regional clinics and sites, as a part of The University of Toledo (collectively “UTMC”); and
(2) clinical health care enterprises, and primary and specialty clinics and practices as may exist or may be developed as a part of The University of Toledo separate from UTMC.
The UTH Board shall also exercise certain member rights of the University Board of Trustees with respect to the faculty group practice and other university-affiliated clinical practice entities as set forth in such affiliated entity’s respective governing documents.
The UTH Board shall be responsible for the development and strategic allocation of resources, planning, and delivery of medical services, and such other powers and duties as detailed in rule 3364-1-12.1 of the Administrative Code. In all cases, the actions of the UTH Board shall be subject to the ultimate authority of the University Board of Trustees.
For the avoidance of doubt, except for clinical decision-making which remains in the purview of licensed independent medical practitioners, unless expressly delegated to the UTH Board, all authority shall be reserved to and exercised by the University Board of Trustees.