Catharine S. Eberly Center for Women

Signature Programs

Leadership, Advocacy and Access are the foundations of our signature programs! All signature programs are offered at least once a year, with many of the programs being offered multiple times over the course of the academic year.  All of our programs are open to students, faculty, staff, and community members of all gender identities and gender expressions.

Visit our YouTube  channel to view recordings of past programs.


Lunch & Leads

Explore leadership topics with Eberly Center staff and guest speakers from campus and the community in our Lunch and Lead monthly series.



Community Impact Feminist Fellowship

The Community Impact Feminist Fellowship program is open to UToledo undergraduate students of all gender identities and gender expressions. Integrating intersectional feminist theories and student affairs best practices, students further develop their leadership and deepen their connection to UToledo and the Greater Toledo community.


League of Leaders

League of Leaders provides students with leadership development opportunities throughout the academic year, including connections to local leaders, mentoring,  and networking! Get connected today!



Cheers to You

Recognizing the accomplishments of women is always a good time. Join us for our yearly event recognizing our scholarship recipients, Community Impact Feminist Fellows, Gender Equity Award recipients and more. Learn more about the Gender Equity Awards now.

wmn panel

Women's Mentoring Network

The UToledo Women's Mentoring Network (WMN) seeks to support and empower women toward academic, professional, and personal success. 


Women in STEMM

Eberly Center provides programs that connect students in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathemathics, and Medicine across the disciplines and provide tools to challenge the barriers that women and gender minorities in STEMM fields.

Last Updated: 7/15/24