Catharine S. Eberly Center for Women

Salary Negotiation

salaryThe gender pay gap has a significant effect on lifetime earnings, disproportionately impacts women of color, and increases for women who decide to be parents.

Salary negotiation is an important skill to have and it helps us work towards eliminating the pay gap. Salary negotiation can lead to a higher starting salary and more impactful raises setting individuals up for a more substantial retirement fund. 

The Eberly Center offers salary negotiation workshops for students and individuals who have already started their careers.


Start Smart Salary Negotiation

Under contract with the American Association of University Women, the Eberly Center facilitates Start Smart: Salary Negotiation workshops during the Spring and Fall semesters.

AAUW Start Smart is specifically designed to teach you how to negotiate salaries for a new job. In every two-hour workshop you’ll gain confidence in your negotiation style through facilitated discussion and role-play.


Last Updated: 6/27/22