UToledo Human Resources

Banner Electronic Personnel Action Forms (ePAFs) notes

Banner Electronic Personnel Action Forms (ePAFs) are used instead of paper forms to process employee actions thru Employee Self-Service. These include an electronic approval process and then flow into the employee's record in Banner. EPafs are used for  Graduate Assistants (GAs) and student workers and also Staff and Faculty change in supervisor.  Keep in mind that you cannot be listed as an approver for an action that you originate.  For questions regarding student workers, contact StudentEmpServ@UToledo.Edu.  For questions regarding Graduate Assistants, contact GradAssist@UToledo.Edu.  

Originator-An Employee who creates/initiates the EPAF

Approver-An Employee whom has received the EPAF and has been assigned to review the document and then make the appropriate action of Approving, Returning for Correction, to Disapproving the EPAF

What is your Role?

Please complete this form to request access to be an ePAF originator or approver.

Current Epafs

The supervisor (Direct Report) listed in Banner is defined as the person who is responsible for completing evaluations (responsible for the employee’s performance, discipline, etc.).

  • Go to  https://bannerepaf.utoledo.edu/
  • Personnel Action Type-Select “Staff”
  • Enter the “Rocket Number” Or “Search” by name
  • Enter the “Query Date”
  • Click “Next”




  • Select Action-Select “Staff-Change in Supervisor” 
  • Click “Next”




EPAF Values to Enter

  • Selecting the position-The change will be the employee’s “Primary” position in the column heading “Type"
  • Make sure the radio button is selected 
  • Click “Go”

Epaf Supervisor 1

Epaf Supervisor 2

Epaf 3



Epaf 3

Enter the values


Current Value

New Value

Jobs Effective Date

The latest value in Banner.

Date needs to be one day past the “Last Paid Date” (i.e., 01/01/2022)

Personnel Date

This date can be any date

Supervisor ID

Rocket number of the supervisor

Supervisor Position

PCN of supervisor

Supervisor Suffix

Suffix for Supervisor.  Most of the time it will be 00 (zero zero) 



Routing Que

Approvers for the following levels

Approval Level

Username to enter

Required Action

10 – (MGMT) Management

See How to enter an Approver or Search for one


91 – (HRIS) HRIS



99 – (HRAPPL) HR Apply/Superuser




How to enter an Approver or Search for one

  • Enter the users name (i.e., Jcoyne2) in the field OR      Select the magnifying glass to search for the supervisor



  • Enter text here as to why the change is being made.

Submitting the Epaf

  • Click on "Save"
  • Click on "Submit"








More Coming Soon

Grad student


  • Student New Hire (Coming soon)
  • Student Additional Job (Coming soon)
  • Student Rehire (Coming soon)
  • Student Rate Change (Coming soon)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Banner ePAF?

  • This is an Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePAF) that is used instead of paper forms to process employee actions thru Employee Self-Service. These include an electronic approval process and then flow into the employee's record in Banner. 

What employee types can be processed through a Banner ePAF?

  • At this time, all student and GA actions and some staff actions can be processed through a Banner ePAF.

What do I do if I receive a warning in an ePAF?

  • Warnings are okay 
  • Please read the warning message to see if it has information that pertains to your situation. 
  •  Your ePAF will submit successfully regardless of the warning messages you receive. 

What do I do if I receive an error in an ePAF?

  • Please contact HRIS at ePAF@utoledo.edu with the error message(s) you are receiving.
  • Include the employees name, Rocket # and transaction ID and a screen shot of the error.
  • We will assist with resolving the error and will be gathering the information to create a guide for all users in the future.


    Approval Categories

    • Additional Position—Employee is being paid out of a different PCN and that they have never been paid out of.
    • New Hire—Employee is a new hire
    • Rehire—Employee is continuing to work in the same PCN


    Please do not click on the cancelled button, this button does not do anything.  We cannot remove this button from display.  If you happen to click the cancellation button please contact HRIS@utoledo.edu and inform us of what you were trying to do and we will let you know how to correct the EPAF.

    Contract Types

    Primary—is the first active job

    Secondary—is the second active job


    The Originator who created the EPAF


    The EPAF is deleted, and you will have to create a new EPAF all over

    Different pay rates to pay a student

    When you have an employee who is to be paid a different pay rate, request a different position #.  Once the position is set-up then create the EPAF using the approval category that ends in Additional Position.

    ePAF Approver Summary

    A summary page that is available to all ePAF approvers and has three tabs.

    • Current—displays ePAF transactions that will require action by you as an approver
    • In my Queue—displays ePAF transactions that will require action by you as the approver in the future
    • History—displays ePAF transactions that you have previously acted on as an approver

    ePAF Originator Summary

    A summary page that is available to all ePAF originators to check the status of ePAF transactions they have created.

    • Current—displays ePAF transactions that require action by you as the originator with transaction statuses of Waiting or Return for Corrections.
    • History—displays ePAF transactions that have already been submitted by you as the Originator

    ePAF Proxy Records

    To Proxy an ePAF if you have been set-up as a Proxy


    You can’t submit the ePAF until the error is cleared

    New EPAF

    To create a new ePAF


    The person who creates the ePAF


    Position Control Number

    Query Date

    Equals today’s date.

    • Did the assignment start before today’s date?  Yes, refer to the Personnel Date

    Queue status

    Reference the current routing status of the ePAF with the individual defined in the approval queue.  The queue statuses are:

    • Acknowledge—The person listed as FYI has viewed the EPAF transaction
    • Applied—ePAF transaction has been applied to database
    • Approved—ePAF transaction has been approved by the Approver.
    • Dis-Approved—ePAF transaction has been disapproved by the Approver
    • FYI—ePAF transaction is for information only.  No action required
    • In the queue—ePAF transaction nis on the way but requires an action prior to your level.
    • Pending—ePAF transaction is ready for action by the approver
    • Removed from Queue—The originator has voided the ePAF and is no longer in the queue
    • Return for Correction—ePAF transaction has been returned to the originator for correction by the approver
    • Void—ePAF transaction has been voided by the originator.


    ePAF was submitted by the Originator to the Approver

    Transaction Number

    Unique number for a transaction; automatically generated by Banner

    Transaction Status

    Reference the status of the ePAF itself.  Displayed at the Originator Summary and at the top of each ePAF transaction.  The transaction statues are:

    • Approved—Indicates the EPAF transaction has been approved by all necessary approvers but has not yet been applied to the database by payroll.
    • Cancelled—Indicates that the EPAF transaction has been cancelled after it has already been applied to the database.
    • Complete—Indicated the EPAF transaction has been applied to the database by payroll.
    • Disapproved—Indicates the EPAF has been disapproved by an approver.
    • Partially completed—Indicated a portion of the EPAF transaction has been applied to the database by payroll and the remaining portion of the EPAF transaction will be applied to the database at a later date.
    • Pending—Indicates the EPAF transaction requires positive action by the approver(s).
    • Return for Correction—Indicates the EPAF transaction has been returned to the originator for correction by an approver.  The originator will need to update the EPAF transaction as needed and submit again for approval.  When an EPAF transaction has been returned for correction, it isas if the EPAF transaction was never submitted for approval.  Therefore, all approvers in the routing queue will need to approve the EPAF transaction even if they had previously approved it before it was returned for correction.
    • Void—Indicate the originator has voided the EPAF transaction and it is no longer a valid transaction.  Only originators can void an EPAF transaction.
    • Waiting—Indicates the EPAF transaction is in the process of being created by the originator and has not yet been submitted for approval.  The EPAF transaction will not display on the EPAF Approver Summary while in waiting status.


    Nothing to worry about

    Wild Card


Last Updated: 9/23/24