Multicultural Emerging Scholars Program

Multicultural Emerging Scholars Program Curriculum

Multicultural Emerging Scholars Program students take three courses during the summer and earn three credit hours that count toward graduation credits. The summer courses are specifically designed to provide students with a solid foundation and head start for their first year of college. The summer courses include:

  • Writing Camp
  • Math Camp
  • Science Camp
  • Social Science Course

Students who have been exempted from the above courses (due to AP/IB/High School credits), will be scheduled for an alternative. In addition to these courses, students are required to participate in study tables as well as physically and mentally engaging activities designed to stimulate students' senses during the summer. Of course, students are also required to have fun. 

Fall and Spring Curriculums will be tailored to suit each student’s major, but will include one common course each semester to support developing leadership skills and community engagement. During the fall semester, students will only be required to take IDS 2010 – Learning to Serve, together. During the spring semester, students will take IDS 2010- Learning to Lead, as a group. Students will work with advisers in their respective colleges to complete their fall and spring schedules. We have faculty and advisers on our MESP team to assist students with course selections.

Last Updated: 7/15/24