Multicultural Emerging Scholars Program

MESP Student Testimonials

“The MESP has helped me by giving me a chance to see what it is that I really want in my life and helped me find my voice and fight for my dreams and my wants.”

“The summer portion of the program along with the Fall and Spring semester, has allowed me the opportunity to see how people operate. There were many situations I encountered this past year that I know for sure will prepare me for real life. The beauty of it all is that Academics are not the only valuable lessons you can take away from this experience. MESP has been a life changing experience for me and something I will remember and value forever.”

“The MESP has helped me in the following way(s) finding people, both student and staff, that were understanding and helpful on guiding me to the path I chose to take for my career of choice” 

“The MESP has helped me in the following ways:

  • networking and using my resources (For example: Learning how to ask for help)
  • becoming a resource for others
  • learning the do's and don'ts of being a minority student (Example: Something as simple as sitting in the front in all of your classes)
  • learning to become a leader, and learning how to hold each other accountable
  • teamwork and collaborative skills”

“The leaders of MESP are also very well respected so when I put them as references on my applications, the employers seem very interested and I'm never disappointed. MESP has helped me academically by starting off with a high GPA and also meeting friends that turned into family. I always say that my first semester of college was very tough for me and If I did not start with my MESP GPA, it would be tough to raise it high enough to get intro graduate school so I'm very grateful for MESP”

“MESP has helped me in the following ways... If it wasn't for this program I don't think I would be where I am today. I am a first generation college student going into a double major in business. I am a part of a huge Co-ed Business Fraternity here on campus, taking on multiple leadership roles.. and if it wasn't for this program I feel like I'd still be giving myself excuses as to why I can't create a name for myself. I've been able to open up in a variety of different ways such as my public speaking, my networking skills and I thank the program for this enhancement on my life in this way. MESP has also given me the chance to believe in myself and go towards anything that I may have been afraid of before the program. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm taking it all in…I loved this program and I will continue to support it!” 

Last Updated: 7/15/24