College of Graduate Studies

Graduate Readmission Guidelines

Instructions to Student:

In conjunction with the University of Toledo Office of the Registrar and the Ohio Board of Regents, the College of Graduate Studies is requiring you to complete the re-admission process because:

●  You have been absent for one calendar year or more AND

●  You wish to complete the program to which you were previously admitted

If the above statements are true, please prepare your re-admission materials as outlined below:

Step 1 - Complete the re-admission application and contact graduate program advisor or department chair to discuss your intent to return and completion of required materials.

A fee of $50 is assessed for the re-admission process. Once approved, an email will be sent to the student's UToledo email account to initiate payment with a link to our secure Touchnet payment site to complete the process.

Step 2 - Send the application and other forms (as required) to the appropriate graduate program advisor or chair for further processing.


Instructions to Graduate Advisor or Department Chair:

This application is being sent to you because the student has been absent for one calendar year or more and he/she wishes to return to complete his/her program. The following steps are necessary to complete all materials required for the re-admission process.

Step 3 - Complete and attach a copy of student’s new Plan of Study with the applicable catalog term indicated.  A copy of a previously approved Plan of Study will not fulfill this requirement.  A new document, with all signatures indicating approval, is required for a re-admission application to be processed.

Step 4 - For courses that will exceed the original time limit for the degree (6 years for master’s and education specialist, 7 years for doctoral degree, 4 years for certificate), appropriate documentation must be included.  For students seeking a one year extension to their original time limit, a “Continuation of Matriculation for Degree” form must be completed and attached.  For students seeking extensions beyond one year to their original time to degree, a “Request for Time Extension & Course Recertification” form must be completed and attached.  There are additional fees required for the extension and course certification process, please see form for details.

Step 5 – Complete the “For Academic Program/College Use Only” box at the bottom of the Re-admission Application which includes the effective year/term for which readmission is requested and expected graduation term.

Step 6 - Once the application and required forms are complete, please forward to the academic college associate dean (or designee) for approval and signature.

Step 7 – Forward the completed Re-admission Packet to the College of Graduate Studies.

Please note:  We are unable to process Re-admission Applications that are missing any of the required materials or information.  If you have questions at any time regarding the Re-admission Process, please email to or call at 419.530.4723. Upon review and approval by the College of Graduate Studies, the matriculation will be reopened for the approved time period, notification sent to both the student and advisor, and applicable fees will be placed on the student’s account.

Questions About your Application?

Visit Stranahan Hall, Room 1048
Mailing address
The University of Toledo
College of Graduate Studies
2801 W. Bancroft, MS 933
Toledo, OH 43606

Questions About Your Degree Progress?

Visit University Hall, Room 3240
Last Updated: 7/15/24