College of Health and Human Services

Acdemic Affairs committee

A) Membership: The Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) will consist of one full-time Faculty who is either tenured, tenure eligible, or who has an open-ended, continuing contract from each school that provides undergraduate and/or graduate classes. Two students, one undergraduate and one graduate, nominated by College Council Members and confirmed by a simple majority vote of College Council shall serve as nonvoting members. The Dean or a designee that holds an academic administrative position and the Director of Student Services will be nonvoting, ex officio members of this committee.

i. Members shall serve a term of two years.
ii. Members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
iii. Student members will serve for a one year term.

B) The Academic Affairs Committee shall have the following responsibilities:

i. Elect a chairperson and determine procedures for committee operations;
ii. Make recommendations regarding College-wide policies for undergraduate and graduate students, programs, and administrative tracking;
iii. Develop recommendations for and review undergraduate and graduate student policies for admission, retention, and for graduate students time-extension and other appeal procedures and practices;
iv. Review all proposals for courses and other matters related to undergraduate and graduate programs of the College and generally oversee all curriculum matters in the College;
v. Assist in developing College-wide recruitment tools for undergraduate and graduate study;
vi. Evaluate the functions of the Academic Affairs Committee and recommend revisions when appropriate.
vii. Facilitate the function of the Honors Subcommittee.

Committee members 2021-2022
  • Tim Jordan - School of Population Health RepresentativeProfessor, Health Education
  • Tahani Dari - School of Intervention and Wellness Representative, Assistant Professor, Counselor Education
  • Eric Longsdorf - (Chair) School of Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences Representative, Associate Professor, Recreation Therapy
  • David Lilley - School of Social Justice Representative, Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
  • John Laux - (Ex Officio - 2022) - Dean's Office Representative, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Professor, Counselor Education
  • Heather Tessler - (Ex Officio - 2022) - Director of Student Services Representative
  • TBD - (2022) Undergraduate Student Representative
  • TBD - (2022) Graduate Student Representative
Last Updated: 7/15/24