CHHS Technology Fee Committee


CHHS classrooms are supported by CHHS College Computing. Assistance for these rooms can be found at room HH2400A or by calling (419) 530-5312.  College Computing managed rooms are given in the chart below. 

College Computing Assisted Classrooms
HH1007 HH2102E HH2510
HH1218 HH2300 HH2518
HH1406 HH2305 HH2520
HH1419 HH2304/2306 HH2636
HH1711 HH2307 HH3200
HH1712 HH2308 HE1420


General Purpose  classrooms are maintained by the University's Academic Support which can be reached at (419) 530-2656. A chart of the rooms assisted by Academic Support is provided below. 

Academic Support Assisted Classrooms
HH1500 HH2601 HH3318
HH1600 HH2603 HH3320
HH2301 HH2615 HH3420
HH2302 HH3202 HH3422
HH2303 HH3204  
HH2492 HH3316  
Last Updated: 7/15/24