Exercise Science Program

Exercise Biology Laboratories

Principal Investigators

Frank Pizza, PhD

Tom McLoughlin, PhD

Exercise Biology Laboratories

Exercise Biology Laboratories are on the first floor of the Health and Human Services Building located on the Main Campus of The University of Toledo.  The Exercise Biology Laboratories consist of two large analytical labs, an Animal Facility, a Cell Culture Lab, and a Microscopy Lab.

Analytical Labs

The analytical labs contain the following major pieces of equipment:

  • Ultra-low temperature freezers
  • Tissue homogenizers (e.g., magnet bead homogenizer and cell sonicator)
  • Leica CryostatMicroplate spectrophotometer
  • Gel electrophoresis units
  • Wet and semi-dry transfer units
  • LI-COR's Odyssey Infrared Imaging System
  • Applied Biosystem’s Real-time PCR System

Animal Facility 

The animal facility contains a cage washing room, a surgical suite, and housing areas. The surgical room contains computerized equipment for assessing contractile properties of rodent skeletal muscle in situ and in vitro, dissecting microscopes, necropsy table, scales, and surgical supplies.

Cell Culture Lab

The Cell Culture Lab contains two biological class II safety cabinets, a Flex Cell Strain Unit, two COincubators, a refrigerator, a freezer, a cytospin centrifuge, microscopes, an autoclave, and liquid nitrogen storage drawers.

Microscopy Lab

The Microscopy Room houses an Olympus IX-70 microscope equipped with phase contrast, Nomarski optics, epifluorescence, and a digital camera. The stage of the microscope is motorized and controlled by imaging software. When interfaced with an environmentally controlled incubation chamber, the microscope can be used for time lapse imaging of live cells.

Last Updated: 7/15/24