Recreation Therapy
Holly Eichner, Ph.D, CTRS-BH
Associate Lecturer
Recreation Therapy Program Director
School of Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
Office: HH 1022
Mail Stop 119
Phone: 419.530.4500
Fax: 419.530.4759
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Dr. Eichner is a proud first-generation college student, who earned three degrees at the University of Toledo. She is currently the Program Director and a Lecturer in the Recreational Therapy program. She has earned her specialty certification in behavioral health making her a CTRS-BH. Dr. Eichner's professional experience has included work with consumers throughout the life span receiving services in mental health, substance abuse, vocational rehabilitative, physical rehabilitation, Veteran services, and palliative/hospice care. Dr. Eichner has presented at several professional conferences in the areas of Recreation Therapy and Psychiatric Rehabilitation. She is also a proud volunteer of the Toledo Metroparks where she teaches tai chi courses.