Legal and Paralegal Studies

Nurse Paralegal Certificate in Paralegal Studies


Nurse paralegals are multi-talented professionals who assist attorneys, insurance companies, public agencies, and public and private businesses. This includes working with entities such as HMOs, insurance companies, government agencies, hospitals, law firms and management groups in resolving legal, health and medical issues. As such, the expertise of nurse paralegals is often a valuable resource in the areas of medical malpractice, health insurance, social security. Nurse paralegal jobs often include helping offices interpret contracts, investigate disputes, prepare negotiations and discussions; research medical records and charts; study legal issues; and interview all involved parties. 

The Nurse Paralegal Certificate in Paralegal Studies is a 21 credit hour program for students who have at least an Associate's Degree in Nursing, hold a current R.N. license, and have at least 2,000 hours of nursing experience and is fully approved by the American Bar Association. It is offered for paralegal education and provides course work and practical experiences designed to develop the knowledge and communication skills necessary for contribution to the legal profession. Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public except as permitted by law.

Want More Info?

John J. Schlageter, Ill, J.D., Esq.
Program Director
Legal & Paralegal Studies Program
(American Bar Association Approved)

View our video about the nurse paralegal certificate

Nurse Paralegal Curriculum

Last Updated: 7/15/24