The Ward M. Canaday Center

for Special Collections

The University of Toledo

Finding Aid

William A. Kneller Papers


Size:    18 Linear Feet
Provenance:   In 1996, archivist Barbara Floyd met with Dr. William A. Kneller and examined his research files. He agreed at that time to donate the collection to the Ward M. Canaday Center because the Center housed the papers of Wilhelm Eitel and the Eitel Institute. Following Dr. Kneller’s death in 2002, his widow, Mrs. Olga Kneller, donated the research files to the Canaday Center.

Access: Open

Related Collections:  Wilhelm Eitel and Eitel Institute Collections

Processing Note: None
Copyright: The literary rights to this collection are assumed to rest with the person(s) responsible for the production of the particular items within the collection, or with their heirs or assigns.  Researchers bear full legal responsibility for the acquisition to publish from any part of said collection per Title 17, United States Code.  The Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collectionsmay reserve the right to intervene as intermediary at its own discretion.

Completed by:           Kathy Warnes, 2003

Biographical Outline

1929 Born April 7 in Cleveland, Ohio
1947-1951 United States Naval Reserve
1951-1980 United States Marine Corps Reserve
1951 Graduated with honors in Geology from
  Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
1948-1951 Laboratory Assistant, Geology Department
  Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
1951 Phi Sigma Biology-Honorary
1951- Married Olga Kanareff, July 14. The Knellers eventually had
  four children: Karinlee, Gregory John, Ellen Kay and Kirt
1951-1953 Intelligence Officer-Second Marine Division
1953-1954 Junior in Engineering, Jet Accessory Division
  Thompson Products, Euclid, Ohio
1954-1955 Teaching Fellow, Geology Department-
  Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
1955 M.S. in Geology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
1955-1958 Teaching Fellow, Geology Department,
  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
1956 Summer Exploration. Quebec Province, Canada
  For Cartier Mining, Ltd.
1956-1959 Instructor of Geology, Eastern Michigan University
  Ypsilanti, Michigan
1957 Instructor of Field Geology, University of Michigan Summer School
1959-1961 Assistant Professor Geology, Eastern Michigan University,
  Ypsilanti, Michigan
1960-1961 National Science Faculty Fellow, University of Michigan
1961-1965 Assistant Professor of Geology, The University of Toledo
1962 Research Society of Sigma Xi
1963-1985 Chairman, Department of Geology, the University of Toledo
1963 Founded and organized the Department of Geology at the
  University of Toledo
1964 Ph.D. in Geology, University of Michigan
1964 September 1. Tenure Granted. University of Toledo.
1964-1967 Associate Professor of Geology-The University of Toledo
1965 Designed and Organized Master of Science Program at University of Toledo
1967-1989 Professor and Chairman, Department of Geology, University of Toledo
1973 Elected as Faculty Member of Phi Kappa Phi-Science Honorary
1976-1989 Director, The Eitel Institute for Silicate Research, the University of Toledo
1989-2002 Superannuate Professor of Geology, the University of Toledo
1989-2002 Professor Emeritus of Geology, the University of Toledo
1989-2002 Director Emeritus, Eitel Institute for Silicate Research
1992-2002 Adjunct Professor of Civil Engineering, the University of Toledo
2002 September. Died in Toledo.

Biographical Sketch

William A. Kneller was born on April 7, 1929, in Cleveland, Ohio.   He received his A.B. in Geology from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, in 1951, his M.S. in Geology from Miami in 1955 and his Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Michigan in 1964.

After serving as a Geology teaching fellow at both Miami University and the University of Michigan, Dr. Kneller began his teaching career as a Geology instructor at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, and was an assistant professor of Geology from 1959-1960. In September 1961, when he was appointed to the faculty of the University of Toledo, the Geology Department was part of the Geography Department, and as one of his colleagues put it, “Dr. Kneller transformed the Geology Department from a pebble to a rock.” In only two years the programs were separated and developed into full-fledged courses taught by well-known scholars in the fields of Geography and Geology.  In these early days, Dr. Kneller recalled that the Geology Department’s annual budget was $1,100. Even at this stage of his academic career, Dr. Kneller proved to be adept at obtaining money for the program. He recalled the necessity to put in a wet lab in the Geology Department and the lack of money for plumbing.  “I told Bill Carlson [UT’s president] that we really needed the wet lab and we couldn’t wait until the following year to get the money for plumbing. Then he decided to give us the extra money for the plumbing.”

By 1966, Dr. Kneller proposed a master’s program in Geology for UT to the Ohio Board of Regents. The day the board approved the plan was “one of the happiest days ever in my career at the University,” Dr. Kneller said.  The Board of Regents singled out Dr. Kneller’s proposal for special praise, stating that it was one of the best-prepared proposals they had reviewed.

From 1961 to 1989, Dr. Kneller built, taught in, and chaired the Department of Geology.  One of his major contributions to the university occurred in 1988 when a $1.2 million dollar gift from the Nippon Electric Glass Co. in Japan established UT’s first fully endowed faculty chair in silicate science. The post began in September 1989 and was based in the Wilhelm Eitel Institute for Silicate Science and Ceramics Research.

The Eitel Institute focused on the research and study of silicates. Dr. Kneller was instrumental in founding the institute with grant money from Johns-Manville and funds that he had earned from various research consulting jobs. He and UT students and research personnel tested batches of powdery materials that Johns-Manville produced that were used to make the heat-absorbing tiles on the exteriors of the first space shuttles.  This work netted about $12,00 per year. Teams of UT researchers and graduate assistants also developed new treatments for sewage sludge and a method of turning cement kiln dust and fly ash into road building materials. The Institute also studied waste solidification, reactions in hydraulic binders and low temperature ceramic coatings for industrial materials.

In his laboratory in the basement of the Bowman-Oddy building, Dr. Kneller presided over coal experiments and canned samples of Ohio coal that he and his graduate assistants and researchers classified, tested, and analyzed. The work involved measuring moisture, volatile components, ashes and impurities in the samples and a coalmine smelt.

The Eitel Institute was just one of Dr. Kneller’s activities at UT. The National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, Columbia Gas of Ohio, Exxon, France Stone Co., the Ohio Coal Research Laboratory Association, Toledo Edison and the Ohio and Federal Highway Administration are just a few of the organizations that sponsored his research.  He published over 100 papers and articles and served as a consultant to many stone companies. He documented the effects of chert, a silica-based material, in concrete and developed non-toxic coating for various kinds of pavements.  Other research areas included industrial rocks and minerals, electron microscopy of mineral surfaces and concrete petrology.

One of Dr. Kneller’s more interesting science activities at the UT involved operating a seismic station for the detection of earth tremors that operated in the Department of Geology. Two seismometers monitored and recorded measurements of irregular earth movements. Dr. Kneller freely acknowledged that Toledo is in a “minor” earthquake zone, but he explained that the UT station served as an important adjunct to the seismic station at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor because it recorded low-energy earthquake waves generated from a seismic zone near Anna, Ohio, in Shelby County. The waves could not easily be recorded at Ann Arbor because the earth’s interior absorbed them, but according to Dr. Kneller, the UT station relayed information on earth movement in the area that could affect the Davis-Besse nuclear power station near Port Clinton.

Dr. Kneller enjoyed long affiliations with many professional and academic societies, including the Sigma Xi scientific honorary, which he helped start at the UT in the 1960s. He was also a member of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, a Geology honorary, and Phi Sigma, a biological science honorary. He belonged to the Geological Society of America, the Mineralogical Society of America, the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Electron Microscopy Society of America

Outside of UT, Dr. Kneller’s professional activities included extensive consulting experience. He consulted on the reinvestigation of the condition of the subsoil at the Health Service Building site at Eastern Michigan University, and was consultant to the Citizens Mutual Insurance Company in Lansing, Michigan.  He was the field geologist for the Olivier Mining Company in Northern Quebec, Canada; and consultant to the Edward C. Levy Company in Detroit, Michigan; the Homer A. Merritt Construction Company in Sandusky, Ohio; the Woodville Chemical and Lime Company in Woodville, Ohio; the Nicholson Concrete Company in Toledo; and the Tarbox-McCall Stone Company in Findlay, Ohio. A few of his other consultations included the City of Toledo; N-Viro Energy Systems; Trow Group of Rexdale, Ontario; Woodlawn Cemetery, Toledo; and Sun Refining and Marketing Company.  For many years Dr. Kneller served as Research Advisor for the NSF Student Science Training Program in Scientific Research for High Ability Secondary School Students, conducted many Geology Field Camps, and directed dozens of graduate student theses.  When he retired from the university in 1989, he said, “My years at the University of Toledo have been wonderful, and I’ve always tried to do everything in a positive way.”

On July 14, 1951, Dr. Kneller married Olga Kanareff and the couple had four children:  Karinlee, Gregory John, Ellen Kay and Kurt Tihon. His daughter Karinlee and his son Gregory John worked with him on geology projects.

Dr. William Kneller died in Toledo September, 2002.

Scholarships and Academic Honors and Fellowships

1955 First William Herbert & Hobbs Fellow-University of Michigan
1956 Rackham Graduate Fellow-University of Michigan (Declined)
1959 Nominated by Eastern Michigan University for Danforth Fellowship
1960 National Science Foundation Faculty Fellowship, University of Toledo
1973 Selectee, Gordon Conference on Research in Building Materials
  Tilton School, Tilton, New Hampshire
1978 U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Associated Universities
  Sponsored Institute on Coal Production, Technology and
  Utilization. Stipend Paid by USDOE. Selection for Institute
  Was based upon National Competition.
1978 Selectee, Penrose Conference on Siliceous Deposits and
  Symposium funded by Geological Society of America at
  University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. This is
  An honor because only 52 participants were selected world wide
1982-1984 National Research Council (NRC) Commission on Physical
  Sciences, Mathematics and Resources, Board of Mineral and Energy
  Resources (BMER), member on the Committee on Highwalls and
  Approximate Original Contour, (COHAOC), funded by Office of Surface
  Mining (OSM) of the U.S. Department of Interior for the period Sept. 10,
  1982 to March 9, 1984.
1984 Nominated for Sigma Xi Outstanding Research Award
1985 Received the 1985 Sigma Xi Service to Science Award for 1985
1990 Won the Wilhelm H.J. Eitel Award for Excellence in Silicate
  Science. The award included $1,000 Cash Prize, a medallion and a framed

Continuing Grants

From:    Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT)
Title:      The Precipitate Potential of Highway Subbase Aggregates
With:      Dr. Jiwan Gupta Civil Engineering Dept.
Amount: Total - $198,516, Sponsor (ODOT) $129,053, UT Contribution $68,463
Grant Completed in June 1994.

Quantitative X-Ray diffraction studies in batch composites of insulation material used on the space shuttle crafts. Jointly funded by NASA-Manville-Lockheed Aircraft Corp. Since 1974 the Eitel (September 91 to December 92) Institute has generated from this grant/contract a total income of $191,254.

History of Grantsmanship of Dr. William A. Kneller - $1,023,471.
Total Grants Funded  $1,023,471

In addition, Dr. Kneller was responsible for obtaining over $1.9 million in gifts, for a total of over $2.9 million of grants and gifts.

Major Consulting Assignments

1958 Swanson Associates
1962 Citizens Mutual Insurance Company
1964 Edward C. Levy Company
  Homer A. Merritt Construction Company
1965-1994 Alexander Kanareff and Associates
1966-1980 Owens-Illinois, Inc.
1967-1974 Woodville Chemical and Lime Co.
1972-1991 France Stone Company
1979-1982 N-Viro Energy Systems, Ltd.
1984 Trow Group, Ltd.
1984-1987 Woodlawn Cemetery
1986 Y & O Coal Company
1988 Sun Refining and Marketing Company
1988 Owens-Corning Fiberglas


Abbreviated List of Publications:
(Complete List in Biography File, Series 1, Box 1, Folder 9)

United States Patent 4,432,800, February 21, 1984, Kneller, W.A.
            Nicholson, J.P., Beneficiating Kiln Dusts Utilized in Pozzolonic Reactions

Risek, R.M., and Kneller, W.A. 1993, Thermo Plasticity of Selected Ohio and Pennsylvania Coals Utilizing a Dupont Thermo Mechanical Analyzer

Kneller, W.A., Gupta, J., Borkowski, M.L. and Dollimore, D., 1993, Determination of Original Free Lime (CaO) Content of Weathered Iron and Steel Slags by Thermo Gravimetric Analysis.

Kneller, W.A. and DiCesare, J.A., 1989, Physicochemical Characterization of Selected Power Plant Fly Ashes.

Kneller, William A., 1986, Physicochemical Characterization of Coal and Coal Reactivity.

Kneller, W.A., 1981, Memorial of Wilhelm Herman Julius Eitel, May 6, 1891-July 20, 1979.

Kneller, W.A., 1979, Characterization of Ohio Coals for Exploration and Industrial Utilization.

Kneller, William A. “Uber die in der heutigen Vergletscherung der Erde als Eis gebundene Wassermasse: by Albert Bauer. Translated by William A. Kneller and Herbert Gauerke.

Major Research Reports

Gupta, J.D. and Kneller, W.A., 1993, Precipitate Potential of Highway Subase Aggregates, Ohio Dept. of Transportation Project No. 144796.

Kneller, W.A. and Zaeff, G.D., 1981, The Occurrence and Distribution of Minerals within the Pittsburgh No. 8 Coals in Southeastern Ohio: Report No. IV, Ohio Coal Research Laboratory Association.

Scope and Content Note

This collection is divided into eight series:  S1. Personal and Professional Documents;  S2. Correspondence 1950s-1990s-Eitel Institute Correspondence; S3. Abstracts, Conferences, Papers and Research Reports; S4. Geology Class Material and Theses; S5.Geology Consulting Reports; S6. Printed Materials; S7. Ohio and Pennsylvania Coal; S.8. Geology Material and Technical Publications.  Series Two also includes Eitel Institute Correspondence and Material.


Series Descriptions


Personal and Professional Documents
1950-1990, 2 Linear Feet
Arranged chronologically and by type
Divided into two subseries, Series 1, Box 1, Personal and Professional Documents is comprised of administrative items that Dr. Kneller dealt with as chairman of the Geology Department; biographical information about Dr. Kneller, documentation of his professional activities, salary data, and newspaper clippings detailing his career. Series 1, Box 2, Personal and Professional Documents, contains Arts and Sciences Council Minutes, Faculty Senate and Graduate Council Minutes, and maps and other documents from Dr. Kneller’s various research trips to Europe and South America.


1950s-1990, 3 Linear Feet
Arranged chronologically and chronologically within the folders.
Divided into three subseries. Series 2, Box 1, Correspondence- 1959-1978
Series, 2, Box 2, Correspondence,- 1979-1989

Series 2, Box 3, Correspondence,  1990-1997; Etiel Institute Correspondence, 1976-1997 and Eitel Institute Literature including brochures, circulars and research reports.


Research Proposals, Abstracts, Conferences and Papers
1950s-1990s, 3 linear fee
Arranged alphabetically and by type.
Series includes paper proposals on coal and oil exploration and development written by Dr. Kneller and his colleagues.
Also included are alphabetically arranged abstracts of Geology papers written and Dr. Kneller and his colleagues.


















Geology Class Material and Theses
One Linear Foot
Arranged Alphabetically and by Type.
Series Four contains teaching materials from Dr. Kneller’s geology classes and copies of theses written by his students

Geology Consulting Reports
Two Linear Feet
Arranged Alphabetically
Series Five contains Dr. Kneller’s consulting reports.

Printed Material
One Linear Foot
Arranged Alphabetically
Fliers about various University of Toledo activities, Micro Report, Student Affairs Newsletter, magazines and miscellaneous newspapers.


Ohio and Pennsylvania Coal Material
3 Linear Feet
Arranged Alphabetically.
Series 7, Box 1 has manuals and data on Ohio and Pennsylvania coals.
Series 7, Box 2 contains records from Dr. Kneller’s Coal Research Recovery Company and miscellaneous material on Ohio and Pennsylvania Coals.
Series 7, Box 3 is comprised of Ohio and Pennsylvania Coal Reports.

Geology Reports and Technical Publications
3 Linear Feet
Alphabetically arranged.
Contains Geology Reports and Technical Publications



Folder List

Box  Folder  Arrangement
    S1-Personal and Professional Documents
1 1 Academic and Administrative Reports-Geology Department
  2 Geology Department-Personnel Matters and Letters of
  3 Geology Department-Personnel Matters and Letters of
  4 William A. Kneller-Annual Report of Professional Activities
  5 William A. Kneller-Annual Report of Professional Activities
  6 William A. Kneller-Annual Report of Professional Activities
  7 William A. Kneller-Application for Sabbatical Leave
  8 William A. Kneller –Awards and Honors
  9 William A. Kneller-Biographical
  10 William A. Kneller-Books Reviews and Abstracts
  11 William A. Kneller-Civil Service Records
  12 William A. Kneller-Inventory of Grants
  13 William A. Kneller-Letterhead Paper
  14 William A. Kneller-Newspaper Stories
  15 William A. Kneller-Newspaper Stories
  16 William A. Kneller-Patents
  17 William A. Kneller-Personnel Forms
  18 William A. Kneller-Pictures
  19 William A. Kneller-Retirement
  20 William A. Kneller-Salary Data
  21 Theses Dr. Kneller Directed Since 1980
2 1 Arts and Sciences Council – 1984-1989
  2 Faculty Advisory Committee 1987-1988
  3 Faculty Newsletters
  4 Faculty Senates Minutes – 1984-1989
  5 Graduate Council Minutes – 1981-1984
  6 Graduate Council Minutes – 1985-1988
  7 W.A. Kneller-Brazil Trip
  8 W.A. Kneller-Japan Trip
  9 W.A. Kenller-Japan Trip
  10 W.A. Kneller-European Trip-Switzerland
  11 Maps-United States
  12 Maps-Army Corps of Engineers
  13 Maps, Cards from Europe/Greece Trip-September 1988
  14 Maps, Cards from Europe/Greece Trip-September 1988
  15 Maps, Cards from Europe/Greece Trip-September 1988
  16 Maps, Cards from Europe/Greece Trip-September 1988
  17 Maps, Cards from Europe/Greece Trip-September 1988
  18 Travel Folders Norway and Scandinavia
  19 British Isles and Ireland –1971
  20 Phi Kappa Phi-University of Toledo Honorary Society
  21 Sigma Xi-University of Toledo Chapter
  22 U.S. on the Moon – 1969
  23 U.S.S. South Dakota Battleship
3 1 Correspondence and Documents
  2 Correspondence-1959
  3 Correspondence-January-July, 1960
  4 Correspondence-August-December, 1960
  5 Correspondence-1961
  6 Correspondence-January-July, 1962
  7 Correspondence-August-December, 1962
  8 Correspondence-January-July, 1963
  9 Correspondence-August-December, 1963
  10 Correspondence-January-July, 1964
  11 Correspondence-August-December, 1964
  12 Correspondence-January-July, 1965
  13 Correspondence-August-December, 1965
  14 Correspondence-January-July, 1966
  15 Correspondence-August-December, 1966
  16 Correspondence-January-July, 1967
  17 Correspondence-August-December, 1967
  18 Correspondence-January-July, 1968
  19 Correspondence-August-December, 1968
  20 Correspondence-January-July, 1969
  21 Correspondence-August-December, 1969
  22 Correspondence-1970
  23 Correspondence-1971
  24 Correspondence-January-July, 1972
  25 Correspondence-August-December, 1972
  26 Correspondence-January-July, 1973
  27 Correspondence-August-December, 1973
  28 Correspondence-1974
  29 Correspondence-January-July, 1975
  30 Correspondence-August-December, 1975
  31 Correspondence-1976
  32 Correspondence-January-July, 1977
  33 Correspondence-August-December, 1977
  34 Correspondence-January-July, 1978
  35 Correspondence-August, December, 1978
4 1 Correspondence-January-July, 1979
  2 Correspondence-august-December, 1979
  3 Correspondence-January-July, 1980
  4 Correspondence-August-December, 1980
  5 Correspondence-January-July, 1981
  6 Correspondence-August-December, 1981
  7 Correspondence-January-July, 1982
  8 Correspondence-August-December, 1982
  9 Correspondence-January-July, 1983
  10 Correspondence-August-December, 1983
  11 Correspondence-January-July, 1984
  12 Correspondence-August-December, 1984
  13 Correspondence-January-July, 1985
  14 Correspondence-August-December, 1985
  15 Correspondence-January-July, 1986
  16 Correspondence-August-December, 1986
  17 Correspondence-January-July, 1987
  18 Correspondence-August-December, 1987
  19 Correspondence January-July, 1988
  20 Correspondence August-December, 1988
  21 Correspondence January-July, 1989
  22 Correspondence August-December, 1989
5 1 Correspondence-1990
  2 Correspondence- 1991
  3 Correspondence- 1992
  4 Correspondence-1993
  5 Correspondence-1994
  6 Correspondence-1995
  7 Correspondence-1996-1997
  8 Correspondence- Miscellaneous
  9 Eitel Institute for Silicate Research
  10 Wilhelm Eitel Literature
  11 Wilhelm Eitel Literature
  12 Eitel Institute-Newspaper Publicity
  13 Eitel Institute=Tuscarora Ceramics
  14 Wilhelm Hermann Julius Eitel-Biography
  15 William A. Kneller- Personal Forms – Eitel Institute
  16 Eitel Institute-Information Circular No. 10
  17 Eitel Institute-Minutes of Conference –1969
  18 Eitel Institute-Coal Analyses Reports
  19 Eitel Institute-Indugas Project
  20 Eitel Institute-N-Viro Energy Systems
  21 Eitel Institute-N-Viro Energy Systems
  22 Eitel Institute-Ohio Outline Maps
  23 Eitel Institute-Resource Recovery Report
  24 Eitel Institute-1980 Toledo Glass
    And Ceramic Award Symposium
  25 Eitel Institute Correspondence-1976
  26 Eitel Institute Correspondence- 1977
  27 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1978
  28 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1979
  29 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1980
  30 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1981
  31 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1982
  32 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1983
  33 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1984
  34 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1985
  35 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1986
  36 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1987
  37 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1988
  38 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1989
  39 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1990
  40 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1991
  41 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1992
  42 Eitel Institute Correspondence – 1996-1997
    S3. Research Proposals
6 1 Characterization of Base and Subbase Iron & Steel Slag Aggregates
  2 Characterization of Ohio Coals for Industrial Use
  3 Characterization of Selected Ohio Coals
  4 Characterization of Western Kentucky Tar Sands
  5 The Coal of Spain
  6 Comparison of Organic-Rich Shales of Pennsylvanian Age in Indiana with New
    Albany Shale
  7 Cryogenic Heat Capacity Measurements of Vitrinite
  8 Deep Cleaning of High Sulfur Coals by Steam Comminution Using Waste Boiler
  9 Deep Cleaning of High Sulfur Coals by Steam Comminution Using Waste Boiler
  10 Depositional Environment of the Harlem Coal Bed Pennsylvanian System in Ohio
  11 Development of An Innocuous Coating to decrease Absorption in Aggregates
  12 Dolomitization Kinetics in Hydrothermal Bombs
  13 Emission Studies Laminar Combustion in High Sulfur Coals
  14 Evaluation of the Iowa Pore Index and Mercury Intrusion
    Porosimetry Tests for Predicting the Frost Durability of Selected Carbonate Rocks
  15 Evaluation of Utilization of Residues Waste Products as Additions to
    Portland Cement Clinker Final Report
  16 Evaluation of Major Chert Burning Aggregate Sources - Ohio
  17 Evaluation of Iowa Pore Index-Predicting Frost Durability of
    Selected Carbonate Rocks
  18 Research Proposal-Extraction of Chromium from Salt
  19 Feasibility and Assessment Studies on a Plasma Beam Operating Unit
  20 Geochemistry of Germanium in Coal
  21 History of Coal Research
  22 Oil Shales-Colorado
  23 Precipitate Potential of Highway Subbase Aggregates
  24 Reduction, Elimination or Encapsulation of Free and
    Hydrated Limes in RPCC Subbase Aggregates
  25 Rheological Properties of Oil and Water Slurries of Coals of Various
  26 Research on Oil from Midwestern Shale
  27 Some Economic and Engineering Properties of Sand in Northwestern Ohio
  28 Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Harlem and Ames
  29 Supercritical Fluid Extraction High Sulfur Coals
  30 Synthetic Fuel and Raw Materials
  31 Synfuels Program for a Demonstration Plant for the Production of Hydrogen from
  32 Toxicity Characteristics of Slag and RPCC Subbase Aggregates
  33 Use of Plasma Beam Technology in the Processing and Usage of High Sulfur
    Content Coals
7 1 Abstract-Geological Society of America
  2 Abstract-American Association of Petroleum Geologists
  3 Paper-“A Buried Biotic Assemblage from an Old Saline River Terrace at Milan,
  4 Paper-“A Case History-The Use of Differential Thermal Analysis in
    Characterising Lucas Dolomite.”
  5 Paper-“A GIS Based Transportation Program.”
  6 Paper-“A Methodology for Conducting A Transportation Survey for Person with
  7 Paper-“Amount of Water Bound as Ice in the Present Glaciation.”
  8 Paper-“An Alternative Method for Analyzing Fluidity of Coal.”
  9 Paper-“Analysis of Portland Cement for Portlandite and Carbonate.”
  10 Paper-“Applications of Fixation Chemistry for Steel Slags.”
  11 Paper-“Application of Illite Crystallinity, Organic Matter, Reflectance, and
    Isotopic Techniques…”
  12 Paper-“The Application of Thermal Analysis to Carbon Black-Elastomer
  13 Paper-“The Application of Thermo Mechanical Analysis to Coal and Oil Shale.”
  14 Paper-“Base/Subbase Iron and Steel Slag Aggregates- Kneller.”
  15 Kneller Chapter – “Brief Analysis of Erosion National Research Council.”
  16 Paper-“Catalysts-Thermal Analysis Application.”
  17 Paper-“Characterization of Base/Subbase Iron and Steel Slag Aggregate.”
  18 Paper-“Coal-Not Just a Fuel but a Resource: Germanium and Gallium from Coal
  19 Paper-“Computer Methods from the Petrographic Prediction of the Coking and
    Blending Potential of Selected Ohio Coals.”
  20 Conferences – American Institute of Professional Geologists
  21 Conferences – Geology of Industrial Mineral Conferences – 1966-1968
  22 Conferences – Geology of Industrial Minerals Conferences – 1969
  23 Conferences- Geology of Industrial Minerals Conferences – 1970
  24 Conferences – Gordon Conferences – Research and Building Materials
  25 Conferences – Miscellaneous
  26 Conferences – Miscellaneous
  27 Paper-“Correlations Between the Chemical and Geologic Origons of Anthraxolite
    from the Gunflint Formation, Thunder Bay, Ontario
  28 Paper- “Precambrian Coal or Anthraxolite: A Source for Graphite in High-Grade
    Schists and Gneisses.”
  29 Paper-“The Decomposition of Dolostone in Atmospheres of Carbon Dioxide.”
  30 Paper- “The Dehydration of Various Clays.”
  31 Paper-“Determination of the Rank of Coal by Special Fluorescence
    Measurements on Sporinite Macerals.”
  32 Paper-“Determination of Paleotemperatures Associated with Post-Permian
    Thermal Events in the Parana Basin, Brazil.”
  33 Paper-“Determination of Original Free Lime – Kneller/Gupta.”
  34 Paper-“The Determination of the thermo Mechanical Properties of Ohio Shale.”
  35 Paper-“Determination of Original Free Lime Content of Weathered Iron and Steel
  36 Paper- “The Discriminate Analysis for Contaminant Sources.”
  37 David Dollimore Papers
  38 Paper- “Effect of Temperature Dependent Factors Upon Solids.”
  39 Paper-“Engineering Properties of Phosphogypsum-Based Slag Aggregate.”
  40 Paper-“Factors Controlling Economic Deposition in Jordan.”
  41 Paper-“Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Reactive Silicone Materials
  42 Paper-“The First Thermal Analyst, Genius or Fraud?”
  43 Paper-“Highwall Elimination and Return to Approximate Original Contour as
    Required in the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.”
  44 Paper-“The Historical Significance of Silicate Science to Material Research.”
  45 Paper-“Influence of Dielectric Constant on Sedimentation Rate of Concentrated
    Suspensions of Aluminum and Magnesium Hydroxides.”
  46 Paper- “The Influence of Pectin and the Bile, Salt/Lecithin/Cholesterol System on
    the Particle size of Calcium Carbonate Suspensions.
8 1 Paper- “Physicochemical Characterization of Medieval Mortars of
  2 Paper-“Organic Geochemistry of the Kerogen and Bitumen from the Ohio Shale
    by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatolography.”
  3 Paper-“The Measurement of Meaningful Kenetic Parameters For Solid State
    Decomposition Reactions.”
  4 Paper-“Paragenetic Relationships of Vein Pyrobitumen in the Panel Mine, Elliot
    Lake Uranium District, Ontario.”
  5 Paper-“Physicochemical Characterization of Selected Power Plant Fly Ashes.”
  6 Paper-“The Physico-Chemical Suitability of Pozzolantic Admixtures as Sanitary
    Landfill Liner.”
  7 Paper-Physicochemical Characterization of Coal and Coal Reactivity-A Review.
  8 Paper-“Physicochemical Characterization of Selected Power Plant Fly Ashes.
  9 Paper-Porosity and Surface Area Size of Two Brazilian Coals.”
  10 Paper-“Precambrian Vein Pyrobitumen: Evidence For Petroluem Generation and
    Migration 2 Billion Years Ago.”
  11 Paper-“Precambrian Vein Pyrobituemn: Evidence for Petroleum Generation and
    Migration 2 GA algo.
  12 Paper-“Precipitate Potential of Highway Subbase Aggregates.
  13 Paper-“Reevaluating Mineral Reserve Evaluation Methods-Kneller, Tank.
  14 Paper-“Solid Pyrobituemn in Veins, Panel Mine, Elliot Lake District, Ontario.”
  15 Paper-“Size, Shape and Distribution of Microscopic Pyrite in Selected Ohio
  16 Paper-“Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Diagenesis, Geochemistry, and Economic
  17 Paper-“Surface Chemical Cleaning and Passivation for Semiconductor
  18 Paper- “Suspension and Sediments, Part. Particle – Particle Interactions in Dilute
    Solid-Liquid Suspensions.
  19 Papers-Thermal Analysis-Dr. Dollimore
  20 Paper-Thermal Analysis (TA) of Medieval Mortars from Gothic Cathedrals of
  21 Paper-“Thermo Mechanical Properties (TMA) of the Ohio Shale from the
    Bellefontaine Outlier, Bristol Ridge, Logan County Ohio.”
  22 Thermal Analysis (DTA) of Selected Power Plant Fly Ashes: An Abstract-
    William Kneller and Joseph DiCesare.
  23 Thermal Analysis Studies of Coal Samples, Review
  24 Thermodynamic, Kinetic and Surface Texture Factors in the Proudction of Active
    Solids by Thermal Decomposition.
  25 Kneller and Gupta-Papers-Transportation Research Board
  26 The Use of the Rising Temperature Technique to Establish Kinetic Parameters for
    Solid-State Decompositions Using a Vacuum Microbalance.
    S-4. Geology Class Material and Theses
9 1 Coal Geology 629 Articles
  2 Economic Geology of Non-Metallics-Geology Lab Manuals-432/635
  3 Geology 432/635 Manual
  4 Coal Geology 629-Data Tables
  5 Coal Geology 629-Glossary of Coal Geology and Mining Terms
  6 Glossary of Coal Geology and Coal Mining Terms – 1976
  7 Coal Geology- 629-Laboratory
  8 Log Evaluation of Non-Metallic Mineral Deposits
  9 Well Log Applications in Coal Mining and Rock Mechanics
  10 Coal Geology 629-Lab Exercises
  11 Coal Geology 629-Folm & X-ray Data Sheets
  12 Coal Geology 629-Transparencies
  13 Coal Geology 629- Gasification of Coal
  14 The Use of Petrographic Analysis for the Prediction of Coke Stablity.
  15 Coal Geology 629
  16 Coal Geology 629-Coal Petrology and Petrography
  17 Coal Geology-629
  18 Coal Geology 629, Coal Petrology Principles
  19 Coal Geology 629-Field Trip, 1986
  20 Coal Geology 629-Lecture Notes-Dr. Kneller
  21 Coal Geology 161:629:01-Introduction to Fluorescence
  22 Coal Geology 629-Class Materials
  23 Coal Geology 629-Petrographic Characteristics of Oxidized Coal
  24 Coal Geology 629-Log Evaluation
  25 Coal Geology-629
  26 Coal Geology 629-Coal Geology and Petrology
  27 Coal Geology-Coal Mining-629
  28 Coal Geology, Coal Mining Glossary, 629
  29 Coal Geology 629-References & Questions on Coal
  30 Coal Geology 629-Cyclothems
  31 Coal Geology 629-Transparencies
  32 Coal Geology 629-Transparencies
  33 Coal Geology 629-Transparencies
  34 Geology Transparencies – 629
  35 Geology Transparencies – 629
  36 Coal Geology Laboratory Outline – 629:00-001 Winter 1978
  37 Physical Geology 161-100-01
  38 Paper Review-Organic Petrology
  39 Student Science Training Porgram-Scientific Research – 1979-1980
  40 Kneller Review of Geology Textbook – Physical Geology
  41 Thesis-Characterization of Selected Dolostones Using Rising Temperature
    Kinetics and Bet Surface Area Methods
  42 Masters Thesis-Jeffrey Stevenson-Solid Veined Pyrobitumen from the Panel Mine
    in the Elliot Lake Uranium District, Ontario
  43 Thesis-Ron Tipton-Core Descriptions-France Stone Company
  44 Thesis-Hydration Studies on Cements and Related Topics
  45 Thesis-Richard Risek
  46 Thesis-Brian Greenwell
  47 Thesis-Determination of Original Free Lime Content of Selected Iron and Steel
    Slags by Thermo Gravimetric Analysis
    S-5 Geology Consulting Reports
10 1 Akron Brick and Block Company
  2 American Air Filter Company
  3 Anchor Hocking
  4 Biston-McKay Ores-Eurkea, Nevada
  5 Bittersweet Farms
  6 Bowling Green State University
  7 Citizens Mutual Insurance Company
  8 Bowser-Morner Testing Laboratories, Inc.
  9 Capital Tire
  10 City of Toledo
  11 Columbia Gas System Service Corporation-Correspondence & Miscellaneous
  12 Columbia Gas System Service Corporation Budget and Contracts
  13 Columbia Gas Service Corporation Reports
  14 Statistics- Columbia Gas Service Corporation
  15 Energystics
  16 Evaluation of Shale Data-Domtar Inc., Mississauga,Ontario
  17 Flatrock Samples
  18 France Stone Foundation Project
  19 France Stone Company
  20 France Stone Company
  21 France Stone Company
  22 France Stone Foundation
  23 Geo Search, Inc.
  24 Indiana Mineral Aggregate Association
  25 Inland Steel
  26 Interstate Testing and Drilling, Inc.
  27 John W. Hawkins Reality Company
  28 Jones and Henry Laboratories, Inc.
  29 Monroe Quarry Project
  30 Kelly’s Island Ohio
  31 Klopper’s Stone Laboratory
  32 Law Building University of Toledo
  33 Maumee Valley Historical Society
11 1 NASA-Lewis Research Center
  2 National Bank Building Toledo
  3 National Science Foundation
  4 Neo-Products
  5 Nicholson Concrete and Supply Company
  6 Ohio Department of Energy
  7 Original TG Plot of Slag SW/O-Complete Annotation
  8 Owens/Corning
  9 Owens-Illinois Technical Center
  10 Paleobotany
  11 Pennsylvania Sedimentation of Central Appalachians
  12 Periodic Properties of the Elements
  13 Petrographic and Chemical Studies
  14 Process Costs and Flow Sheets, Bed Defluidization Characteristics, Stone
  15 Research Foundation, University of Toledo
  16 Research Foundation, University of Toledo
  17 Research Foundation, University of Toledo
  18 Research Foundation, University of Toledo
  19 Research Foundation, University of Toledo
  20 Research Foundation, University of Toledo
  21 Research Foundation, University of Toledo
  22 Research Foundation, University of Toledo
  23 Research Foundation, University of Toledo
  24 Research Foundation, University of Toledo
  25 Research Foundation, University of Toledo
  26 Safety Building, City of Toledo
  27 Swanson Associates
  28 Technical Proposal Writing
  29 Toledo Edison
  30 Toledo Refinery
  31 Toledo Water Filtration Plant
  32 Transportation Research
  33 Franklin Waltz-Hamlet Subdivision
  34 Woodlawn Cemetery
  35 Consulting-Vernon J. Wiersmat Associates
  36 Woodville Lime and Chemical Company
  37 X-Ray Data
  38 Youghiogheny and Ohio Coal Company
    S 6. Printed Material
12 1 Fliers About Various University of Toledo Activities
  2 Micro Report
  3 Newsletters Miscellaneous
  4 Student Affairs Newsletter – 1980s
  5 Timeline-University of Toledo
  6 Scientific American
  7 University of Toledo Topics – 1978-1985
  8 University of Toledo Booklet – 1973-1983
    S 7. Ohio and Pennsylvania Coal Material
13 1 Abstract-Stratigraphy and Pale Environmental Reconstruction of the
    Harlem and Ames Coals (Upper Pennsylvanian Glenshaw Formation,
    Appalachian Basin)
  2 Carbonaceous and Mineral Mixtures
  3 Bituminous Coal Research
  4 Booklet – “A Century and a half of Ohio’s Minerals.”
  5 Citizen Ambassador Coal Mining Technology Delegation
  6 Coal-What is Coal?
  7 Coal Abstracts
  8 Coal Accumulation-Relationship Plants
  9 Coal Assessment
  10 Coal Analysis Seminar
  11 Coal Characterization, Exploration and Regional Data Base
  12 Coal Cleaning Program – Department of Energy
  13 Coal Correspondence
  14 Coal Data
  15 Coal Deposits, Resources (Terminology) U.s. and World
  16 Coal Gasification
  17 Coal Lithotype
  18 Coal Liquefication
  19 Coal Literature
  20 Coal Manuals
  21 Coal Papers and Booklets
  22 Coal Proposals and Reports
  23 Coal References on Mineral Catalysts
  24 Coal Quality Symposium
  25 Coal-References on Desulfuration of Coal
  26 Coal Reports – St. Louis Fuel and Iron Company
  27 Coal Reports
  28 Coal Research Reports
  29 Coal Research-Foreign
  30 Coal Research Manual
  31 Coal Resources of the Pennsylvania Manuals and Transparencies
  32 Coal Sample Sheets – Dr. Osman Manual
  33 Coal Science
  34 William Kneller Coal speech – May, 1979
  35 Coal Transparencies from coal and Coal Seam Composition as Related to
    Preparation and Carbon
  36 The Use of Dyes as an Aid to Coal Petrography
  37 Coal Workshops-Other Locations Than the University of Toledo
  38 Coalification: Rank
  39 Geology of Coshocton County
  40 The Lower Kitanning No. 5 Coal Bed in Ohio
14 1 Coal Resource Recovery Company
  2 Coal Resource Recovery Company
  3 Coal Resource Recovery Company
  4 Coal Resource Recovery Company
  5 Coal Resource Recovery Company
  6 The Characterization of Ohio Coals for Industrial Use
  7 North Central Ohio Middle Devon Carbon Rocks
  8 Ohio Coal Report Selected Ohio Coals
  9 Characterization of Sulfur in Ohio Coals
  10 Ohio Coal Thesis – Timothy I. Hunt
  11 Ohio Coal Transparencies
  12 Ohio and Pennsylvania Coals
  13 Ohio Mining and Reclamation Association Newsletter
  14 Ohio Shales of Ohio
  15 Ohio Synfuels Program
  16 Ohio Universities Synfuels Program
  17 Quadratic Correlation Results of 77 Physico-Chemical Properties with the TSI of
    Selected Ohio coals
  18 Report Ohio’s Synthetic Fuels and Exploration Methodology
  19 Surface Coal Mining
  20 Supercritical Desulfurization Kinetics of Illinois No. 5 Coals
  21 Synthetic Fuels in Ohio
  22 Uncorrected Diffractogram Showing Glassy Phase
  23 University of Toledo Coal Workshop
  24 Workshop Characterization of Ohio Coals University of Toledo – March 9, 1979
  25 Minerals of Ohio – Ernest H. Carlson
  26 Properties and Recognition of Deleterious Cherts
  27 Ohio Public Policy Issues – November 1979
  28 Ohio Journal of Science – April Program Abstracts
15 1 Ohio Geological Survey
  2 Ohio Geological Search for Rocks
  3 Ohio Coal Research Associates
  4 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories
  5 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories
  6 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories
  7 Ohio Coal Research Laboratory
  8 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories
  9 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories Association
  10 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories Association
  11 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories Association
  12 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories Association
  13 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories Association
  14 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories
  15 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories
  16 Ohio Coal Research Laboratories Association
  17 Final Report for Ohio Coal Research Laboratory Association
  18 Ohio University Coal Data
  19 Pittsburgh Coal Conference
  20 Pittsburgh Coal Energy Technology Center
  21 Pittsburgh Coal Conference
  22 Pittsburgh Coal Mining
    S 8. Geology Reports and Technical Publications
16 1 Aerial Photographic Analysis
  2 American Laboratory Thermal Analysis Chromatography
  3 Alkalic Granities and Pegmatites of the Mount Rosa Area, El Paso and Teller
    Counties, Colorado
  4 American Laboratory-Ceramic Magazine
  5 Area Council for Technology
  6 Bituminous Test Sections on a Major Urban Freeway
  7 Bulletin-American Association for Petroleum Geologists
  8 Carnegie Yearbook – 12993-1994
  9 Chilean Nitrate Deposits – Erickson (American Scientist)
  10 Clays and Shales of Michigan and their Uses
  11 Coal Cleaning Technology
  12 Department of Energy Coal News
  13 Department of the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics Material
  14 The Ecology of Modern Reefs and the Paleo-ecology of Ancient Reefs
  15 Elementary Optics for the Military Photogrammetrist
  16 Elsevier Science Papers
  17 Energy Conservation Workshop – University of Toledo
  18 Engineering Geology of Ancient Works
  19 Environmental Geology Notes – 1970-1972
  20 Evaluation of Slag and its Potential Impact on the Aquatic Environment
  21 Exon Project-Coal
  22 Geological Society of America Abstracts
  23 Geology Bulletins and Pamphlets
  24 Geology Reports
  25 Field Guide Book and Conference – 1980
  26 Geology of Loch Alpine Area
  27 Geology Pamphlets and Magazines
  28 Geology Paper-Contour Mines and ADC Highwalls
  29 Silicate Science by Wilhelm Eitel
  30 Geology Transparencies
  31 Statistical Program – Cormat and Clay Mineralogy Bibliography
  32 Geology-University of Toledo
  33 High Purity Dolomite in Illinois – Willmen 1943
  34 Highwall Elimination – NRC Report
  35 International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology
  36 Journal of Geology
  37 Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
  38 Kaolinite
  39 Kentucky Geological Survey
  40 Use and Abuse of Statistical Methods in the Earth Sciences
17 1 Lime Kiln Dust Reports
  2 Limestone Reports
  3 Limestone Reports
  4 Limestone Sorbent Regeneration in Externally Fired Rotary Kilns
  5 Limestone Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of Greenhorn Limestone
  6 Limestone Industries of Ontario
  7 Gravel Pit Inventory- Michigan Districts 1,2,3,4
  8 Map-Silica Sand
  9 Main Arrhenius Plots
  10 Midwest Universities Energy Consortium
  11 Mineralogie (German Geology Journal)
  12 Mineral Investigations Resource Map _MR-37
  13 National Science Foundation Summer Program
  14 Newsletter-Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity
  15 Oklahoma Geological Survey
  16 Physical Properties of Carbonate Aggregate from Ohio
  17 Origin of the Chilean Nitrate Deposits
  18 Photo Geology Problems
  19 Photographic Interpretation Handbook
  20 Interpretation Manual Photographic Metrics
  21 Intelligence Orientation Handout
  22 Pressure-Birefringence Relationships in silicon Single Crystals
  23 The Reaction and Parameters of Lime
  24 Regeneration of Sulfate Limestone from FBCs
  25 Reynolds Denning – University of Michigan Geology Department
  26 Reynolds Denning-University of Michigan Geology Department
  27 Reynolds Denning – University of Michigan Geology Department
  28 Reynolds Denning – University of Michigan Geology Department
  29 Reynolds Denning – University of Michigan Geology Department
  30 Reynolds Denning – University of Michigan Geology Department
18 1 Seven Day Compressive Strengths of Cylinders
  2 Seven and Twenty –Eight Day Compressive Strength Tests of
  3 Status Report of Compressive Strength Tests
  4 Seven Day Compressive Strength Test Results
  5 Seven Day Compressive Strength Test Results
  6 Seven Day Compressive Strength Test Results 69-77
  7 Results of X-Ray Diffraction Study of Hydration of Combinations of Cement
    Kiln Dust
  8 Sigma Gamma Epsilon-The Compass
  9 Silicate Articles
  10 Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Newsletter
  11 Society for Organic Petrology
  12 Society for Organic Petrology
  13 Steel Processing Furnaces
  14 Stone Articles
  15 Report on Surface Area and Oxidation Rates for Carbon Blocks
  16 Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute
  17 Symposium-Michigan: It’s Geology and Geological Resources
  18 Transportation Research Record – 1434
  19 Test Diagrams (Geology)
  20 Training Department Manual and Procedures
  21 Training Department Manual No. 6 – Map Projections
  22 Tripoli Silica
  23 Transportation Research Record
  24 Twenty-Seventh Annual Field Conference-Ohio Academy of Science
  25 Upper Rifle River Basin (Michigan) Evaluation
  26 U.S. Naval Photographic Interpretation Manual – 1953-Terrain
  27 U.S. Naval Photographic Interpretation Center Training Manual – 1953
  28 U.s. Naval Photographic Interpretation Center Training Manual – 1953-Defenses
  29 U.S. Naval Photographic Interpretation Center Training Manual – 1953-
  30 U.S. Naval Photographic Interpretation Center Training Manual – Investigating



Last Updated: 7/15/24