Training in Translational and Molecular Cell Dynamics (TMCD)


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G-RISE Presents a Mental Health Conference

Minding your Mind: The Art of Self Care and Efficient Work

Event flyer for the Minding Your Mind seminar, featuring stock photo of a picturesque landscape of trees, mountains and water. The image includes dark blue swoops on the right side with the UToledo logo in the bottom right corner.Hosted by UToledo G-RISE (#T32GM144873)

Tuesday, Sept. 10
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Health Science Campus - HEB 105

Join us for an engaging seminar focused on mental health and wellness, featuring distinguished speakers from the University of Toledo's Title IX Office, Dr. Margaret M. Hopkins, and a representative from Dragonfly Mental Health. The seminar will begin with Dr. Hopkins, who will discuss wellness as a lifelong process of making decisions to live a more balanced and meaningful life. She will help participants recognize a fuller sense of well-being and determine their areas of wellness (emotional, environmental, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual) that need support. In the second hour, the University of Toledo Title IX Office team will focus on the mental health aspects of their work, discussing the importance of healthy relationships, consent, and boundaries. They will also provide insights into how to be a part of preventing and addressing misconduct that impacts wellness in your community. Finally, Dragonfly Mental Health will present A Scientists Primer on Mental Health, focusing on mental health literacy.


  • Dr. Hopkins, recently retired Professor of Management in the College of Business and Innovation, taught leadership and management at the Executive, MBA, and undergraduate levels. With over 20 years of experience as an executive coach, Dr. Hopkins has worked with clients across various sectors on leadership development, and has been published and recognized internationally for her research in leadership, emotional intelligence, and gender and leadership.
  • The Title IX Office is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment free from sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and retaliation. They will be discussing the ways in which healthy relationships contribute to good personal wellbeing, and how consent and healthy boundaries are critical to these relationships. To learn more about Title IX contact them at (419) 530-4191 or visit
  • Dr. Mary Huff, the co-lead of Dragonfly Mental Health Consulting Working Group will present A Scientists Primer on Mental Health. Dr. Huff's research interests focus on the role of prion-like proteins in the stability and maintenance of long-term memory. She is also a founding member of Stowers Connections, a mental health and wellness committee at the Stowers Institute. Dr. Huff is passionate about developing and promoting mental health and professional development programs and is currently working toward building more inclusive and supportive training environments in the biomedical sciences. She is currently the Chief Operating Officer at Newhouse, Kansas City’s oldest domestic violence shelter.

Free and open to all!

Register here

More events to be announced.

Previous Events

Mastering Presentation Essentials Workshop

Event flyer for the Mastering Presentation Essentials Workshop, featuring stock photo of someone writing onto a piece of paper next to a laptop. The image includes dark blue swoops on the right side with the UToledo logo in the bottom right corner. Text reads: Mastering Presentation Essentials Workshop. Wednesday, Aug. 21, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Health Education Building (HEB), Room 105.Hosted by UToledo G-RISE (#T32GM144873)

Wednesday, Aug. 21
11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Health Science Campus - HEB 105

Join us for a comprehensive workshop designed to enhance your presentation skills. Bring a presentation to work on (laptop or printed) and gain valuable insights to make your talks more engaging and effective.

Learning Objectives:

  • Target the Four P’s to the audience: Planning, Preparation, Practice, Performance
  • Select an informative attention-capturing title for your talk
  • Use appropriate visuals and graphics to keep your audience focused
  • Use simple language and avoid jargon
  • Selectively maintain eye contacts to cover the entire room
  • Maintain a consistent design with uniform fonts and colors
  • Incorporate pauses to gauge audience interest and support comprehension
  • Be themselves, avoid filters (e.g. um etc.) and nervousness
  • Make strong, clear conclusions rooted in the presented data


  • Mahasin A. Osman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine where she leads an active research group in signal transduction. She is the Founding Principal Investigator and Director of the inaugural UToledo T32 G-RISE TMCD Program. Dr. Osman has experience presenting nationally and internationally.
  • Christopher M. Wojciechowski earned his Ph.D. in Foundations of Education, Research and Measurement and has taught at The University of Toledo and in Toledo Public Schools. He also has experience tutoring academic skills for the Learning Enhancement Center.
  • William Ryan is a Ph.D. Candidate in the G-RISE Program. As a part of the Biomedical Science program at UToledo, he is focusing on bioinformatics, proteomics, and genomics. He has presented his work at conferences such as the HUPO Brain Proteomics Project Workshop and the PamGene Mini-Symposium on Kinomics.



Photo from the workshop inside a classroom on campus

On Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2023, T32, G-RISE hosted a full-day workshop to guide and inform our T32 students in the preparation of fellowship proposals. Over 50 attended the event in the Health Education Building. The overarching goal was to increase the number of research fellowship applications submitted from UToledo biomedical and medical/clinical programs. Participants learned the technicalities of grant proposals, developed their qualifying exam/fellowship proposals, and have additional resources as they apply for external funding. 

As is the case for all T32, G-RISE activities, this event was free and open to all UToledo graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and the public. Thanks to the faculty, T32 students, and director Dr. Mahasin Osman who helped organize the event.




Dr. Scott Molitor

College of Graduate Studies

Opening Remarks

Dr. Rick Francis

Research Advancement and Information Systems

Resources and InfoEd SPIN

Dr. Wissam Aboualaiwi

Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

Developing Your Specific Aims 

Dr. Steven T. Haller

Department of Medicine

Innovation and Impact 

Dr. Qian Chen

Department of Biological Sciences 

Presenting Preliminary Data 

Dr. Jasenka Zubcevic

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology 

Composing the Research Strategy 

Dr. David Kennedy

Department of Medicine

Composing the Mentor Plan 

Dr. Andrea L. Kalinoski

Integrated Core Facilities 


Dr. Viviana P. Ferreira

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

Animal Use, Biosafety, and Reagent Authentication 

Dr. Constance A. Schall

Department of Chemical Engineering 

Regulatory Requirements and Oversight

Dr. Sadik A. Khuder and Dr. William T. Gunning III

Department of Medicine and Department of Pathology 


Why Include a Statistician, Bioinformatics Specialist, and/or a Pathologist? 

Katherine Pollard

Senior Licensing Associate

Patents and Commercialization 

Kimberly Thorn

Sponsored Programs 

The Submission Process 

Dr. Robert Smith and Dr. Saurabh Chattopadhyay

Department of Neurosciences and Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology 

Understanding and Responding to Reviewer Critiques

Dr. Mahasin Osman

Department of Medicine 

How to Compose an Abstract for Your Application 

A special thanks to the faculty who supported the event’s breakout session:

  • Dr. Tomer Avidor-Reiss, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences 
  • Dr. Guofa Liu, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences 
  • Dr. Ritu Chakravarti, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
  • Dr. Nagalakshmi Nadiminty, Assistant Professor, Department of Urology and Department of Cell and Cancer Biology 
  • Dr. Lauren Gerard Koch, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology 
  • Dr. Saurabh Chattopadhyay, Associate Professor, Virology, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology 
  • Dr. Laura A. Mike, Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology 
  • Dr. Zahoor Shah, Professor, Associate Dean, Graduate Education and Research Program Director, Department of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry 
  • Dr. Jasmine JingYuan Liu, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine and Department of Cell and Cancer Biology 
  • Katerina Turner, PhD Candidate, Department of Biological Sciences 


Journal Club Workshop graphic

  • Free and open to all
  • These sessions will be held in a workshop style format. Articles will be provided and students are expected to read the articles ahead of time and participate in the discussions.
  • Contact Dr. Mahasin Osman,, with any questions.

How to Read a Scientific Article

  • Tuesday, February 7, Noon-2 p.m.
  • Dr. Lance Dworkin will review a clinical article & Dr. Rujun Gong will review a basic scientific article.
  • Location: Rupert Health Center, Room 0006, HSC

How to Write a Scientific Article

  • Thursday, March 16, Noon-2 p.m.
  • Dr. Rafael Garcia-Mata will also discuss selecting a suitable journal, making your pitch to the editor and how to respond to the reviewer's critiques.
  • Location: Block Health Science (BHS) Building, Seminar Room 375, HSC

How to Peer-Review a Scientific Article

  • Thursday, April 6, Noon-2 p.m.
  • Dr. Scott Crawley will also discuss submitting your critique to the editor - the whole process.
  • Location: Block Health Science (BHS) Building, Seminar Room 375, HSC

These events are part of the T32, G-RISE program (award number T32GM144873).

  • Free and open to all
  • These sessions will be held in a workshop style format. Articles will be provided and students are expected to read the articles ahead of time and participate in the discussions.
  • Contact Dr. Mahasin Osman,, with any questions.

How to Read a Scientific Article

  • Tuesday, February 7, Noon-2 p.m.
  • Dr. Lance Dworkin will review a clinical article & Dr. Rujun Gong will review a basic scientific article.
  • Location: Rupert Health Center, Room 0006, HSC

How to Write a Scientific Article

  • Thursday, March 16, Noon-2 p.m.
  • Dr. Rafael Garcia-Mata will also discuss selecting a suitable journal, making your pitch to the editor and how to respond to the reviewer's critiques.
  • Location: Block Health Science (BHS) Building, Seminar Room 375, HSC

How to Peer-Review a Scientific Article

  • Thursday, April 6, Noon-2 p.m.
  • Dr. Scott Crawley will also discuss submitting your critique to the editor - the whole process.
  • Location: Block Health Science (BHS) Building, Seminar Room 375, HSC

These events are part of the T32, G-RISE program (award number T32GM144873).

The Power of Education in Redemption and Opportunity


Stanley Andrisse, Ph.D., MBA

Executive Director of Prison-to-PhD (P2P)


Dr. Andrisse of Howard University is the director of From Prison-to-PhD, an organization that takes young people with non-violent criminal convictions and helps them complete their education from high school degrees and all the way to Ph.D. and integrate them in society. Dr. Andrisse is a faculty endocrinologist at Howard University who was previously incarcerated.


He will present a talk on his endocrinology research and another talk on academic and criminal justice reforms and discuss the work done by the P2P organization. Both talks will be open to all of UToledo and the public.

Grand Rounds Lecture: 
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Women and Girls With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Thursday, Jan. 19 from 12 to 1 p.m.
3 location options: Collier 1000B, TTH Keller-meyer Auditorium, or WebEx Link

Community Event:
Academic Justice: We demand a seat at the table, the system is why there are not more like me

Thursday, Jan. 19 from 4 to 6 p.m.
Room 1059-Bodo Diehn Lecture Hall, Bowman-Oddy building, Main Campus


All workshops are FREE and open to the UToledo community and the public.

“A Practical Introduction to NCBI and Sequences Search”

Thursday, August 4, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Dr. Tomer Avidor-Reiss
Location: BO 1099, Main Campus

Faces of Diversity: UToledo First-Gen Faculty: “How I Got Here”

Wednesday, August 3, 1-3 p.m.
Dr. James Burkett, Dr. Heather Conti, Dr. Isaac Schiefer,
Dr. Ivana de la Serna & Dr. Matthew Wohlever
Location: WO 1240, Main Campus


Wednesday, July 27, 10:00 a.m.-Noon
Dr. Sadik Khuder & Dr. Barbara Saltzman
Location: Collier 1030, Health Science Campus

Emotional Intelligence and Social Integration

Wednesday, July 13, 10 a.m.-Noon
Dr. Margaret Hopkins
Location: HEB 110, Health Science Campus

Effective Practices for Mentoring Relationships

Tuesday, July 19, 10 a.m.-Noon
Dr. Margaret Hopkins
Location: HEB 110, Health Science Campus


For more information, email Dr. Mahasin Osman, associate professor in the Department of Medicine, at


Last Updated: 9/3/24