Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - UToledoNSM

Diversity and Inclusion Fellowship Opportunities

  • American Indian Graduate Center. The American Indian Graduate Center & AIGCS are the largest scholarship providers to Native students in the U.S. They award $15 million in scholarships annually and have awarded over $200 million since inception.  For 50 years, AIGC and AIGCS have empowered Native students from over 500 tribes in all 50 states.

  • AAUW (American Association of University of Women). AAUW has a long and distinguished history of advancing educational and professional opportunities for women in the United States and around the globe.

  • Ford Foundation Fellowships Program. Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.

  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund General Scholarship Fund. HSF empowers families with the knowledge and resources to successfully complete a higher education, while providing scholarships and support services to as many exceptional students as possible.

  • Minority Awards Program – Visiting Student (Smithsonian). The Office of Fellowships and Internships offers visiting student awards to increase participation of U.S. minority groups who are underrepresented in Smithsonian scholarly programs, in the disciplines of research conducted at the Institution, and in the museum field.

  • Native American Awards Program – Community Scholars (Smithsonian). The Native American Awards Community Scholar falls within the Native American Awards Program which supports applicants, who are formally or informally affiliated with a Native American community or tribe, to visit the Institution to undertake projects on a Native American subject and utilize the Native American resources of the Institution.
  • NASA Graduate Student Researchers Program. For the convenience of students, post-doctoral fellows, young career researchers, and their mentors, this page contains a selection of opportunities. The list includes summer programs and scholarships for undergraduates and graduate students, post-doctoral fellowships, special programs for early career researchers, faculty members, and senior scientists.

  • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. The Office of Minority Health Research Coordination (OMHRC) offers and participates in a variety of opportunities for researchers with underrepresented backgrounds.

  • National Physical Science Consortium Graduate Fellowships. NPSC's goal is to increase the number of American citizens with graduate degrees in the physical sciences and related engineering fields, emphasizing recruitment of a diverse applicant pool.

  • Sigma Delta Epsilon Graduate Women in Science Research Fellowships. The GWIS National Fellowships Program is proud to offer fellowships in 2019 to help increase knowledge in the natural sciences and to encourage research careers in the sciences by women. Endowment funds, mostly generated from bequests, provide the annual income that supports scientific research done by GWIS award winners. For the 2018-2019 funding cycle, we distributed approximately $50,000 in fellowships funds to five deserving women scientists.
  • Travel Awards to the ASCB|EMBO Meeting. The ASCB recognizes worthy scientists at various levels with a variety of prestigious awards that are presented at the annual meeting. In addition, travel and childcare awards are offered to selected applicants to attend the annual meeting.
Last Updated: 7/15/24