Department News

Chair's Welcome

Professor Sanjay Khare

Welcome to the Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Toledo (UT). We are a growing, world-class department with strong programs in research and academics, nationally and internationally recognized faculty members, ties to physics-related industries, and a record of student success. We strive to provide students with access to the cutting-edge research efforts of a larger institution, while still maintaining the level of personal interaction with faculty found at smaller places. As you browse our web pages, we hope you find the information you seek. For further information, please feel free to contact any of our faculty or staff by email or phone.

Located in McMaster Hall and Ritter Planetarium/Observatory, the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UT offers a wide variety of opportunities. Our primary strengths lie in the areas of: atomic, molecular, and optical physics; condensed matter/materials science and photovoltaics; and astronomy and astrophysics. In recent years, research groups in thin film photovoltaics have risen to prominence, and UT has designated alternative energy as an area of excellence. The department is a major participant in the Wright Center for Photovoltaics Innovation and Commercialization (PVIC). As part of a second UT-designated area of excellence, "The Search for Origins", members of the astronomy and astrophysics group are involved in major NASA missions; they also carry out theoretical and observational research with collaborators at leading observatories around the world. In addition to these key areas, there is an active research group in biological physics and a growing effort in medical physics, with strong ties to the UT College of Medicine. Each group carries out world-class research with close ties to the larger professional community and promotes interactions between students and faculty that aim to prepare students to succeed in that community.

Both undergraduate and graduate research are emphasized. Undergraduates are encouraged to become involved in research as early as the freshman year and to become involved in education and public outreach through our award-winning chapter of the Society of Physics Students, through the REU program, and through interning at Ritter Planetarium. We have an excellent history of launching our undergraduate and graduate degree recipients in rewarding careers.

The Department's research equipment includes two medium-energy ion accelerators, a wide variety of thin-film deposition and characterization equipment along with a clean room for device preparation, and several high-energy pulsed and continuous-wave laser systems. Other facilities include: an on-campus one-meter reflecting telescope with dedicated spectrographs; and access to supercomputing facilities, both internal and external.

In summary, our department is vibrant and active, and an excellent place to pursue your interests in physics and astronomy. Thank you for visiting us, and we hope to have the opportunity to meet you in person!

Last Updated: 7/15/24