Plant Science Research Center

About the PSRC

About Us

Group Photograph

The University of Toledo Plant Science Research Center (UT-PSRC) is an interdepartmental, interdisciplinary, collaborative facility that permits plant researchers and those working with them to perform their work.  The Facility opened in 1997 under the auspices of Dr. Stephen Goldman and consists of 5 independent greenhouse modules, 6 growth chambers, two rooms in Wolfe Hall and Bowman-Oddy Laboratories, and other assorted laboratory equipment.  January 1, 2007 Directorship was transferred to Dr. Constantine Theodosiou on an interim basis.  July 1, 2007, Dr. Scott Leisner was installed as the director for a 3-year term.  Faculty using UT-PSRC facilities are from the Departments of Biological Sciences and Environmental Sciences as well as government agencies such as the USDA.  The UT-PSRC provides the infrastructure to perform controlled growth experiments with plants along with equipment to permit more detailed analysis of plant biology.  Greenhouse and growth chamber control systems are regulated by, pest management is performed by, and preventive maintenance is performed by a full-time greenhouse manager.  A list of the current researchers is listed below.


Department of
Biological Sciences
Department of
Environmental Science
Scott Leisner Tom Bridgeman Jonathan Frantz
John Gray Daryl Dwyer Charles Krause
Scott Heckathorn James Locke
Michael Weintraub







Last Updated: 7/15/24