College of Nursing

Kristi Reuille, Ph.D., RN

  Assistant ProfessorReuille 


Ph.D., Indiana University (Nursing - Behavioral Oncology), 2009
M.S.N., Indiana University (Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist), 2002
B.S.N., Indiana University, 1994

Population Focus


Adults with Chronic Physical and/or Mental Health issues including: Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Acute and Chronic Pain, Anxiety, and Depression
Family Caregivers of Adults with Chronic Illness

Clinical Interests

Symptom Management, including Symptom Management models and Symptom Clusters
Chronic Disease Self-Management
The Common Sense Model of Self-Regulation

Clinical Practice Experience in Acute Care, Long-Term Acute Care (LTAC) and Long-Term Care

Research/Evidence Based Practice

In addition to conducting research involving my clinical interests, I also publish in the area of teaching research and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) skills to baccalaureate nursing students.

Affiliations/Service Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing - Member
Volunteer - Feed Your Neighbor Food Pantry at Epiphany Lutheran Church, Toledo, Ohio
UToledo College of Nursing Diversity and Inclusion Officer, 2015 - 2021
  1. 2019-2021 College of Nursing/College of Medicine and Life Sciences Grant Drs. Reuille, Raina and Hamouda co-Principal Investigators $20,000 Awarded July 2019, no-cost extension to June 2021.
  2. 2019 Academic Champions Grant – Echo360 Kristina M. Reuille, recipient $3,000 2018 Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Activity Program (USRCAP) Alexsandria Maund – Honors Student Office of Undergraduate Research University of Toledo.
  3. 2011 Summer Research Fellowship Award University of Toledo University Research Awards and Fellowship Programs.
  4. 2004-2006 Individual National Research Service Award National Institute of Nursing Research – F31NR008834-01A1.
  5. 2001-2004 Institutional National Research Service Award Indiana University School of Nursing PHS Grant 5T32NR0706.
  1. Reuille, K. M., Jameson, J., Lewin, L., Pierce, L. L., (Submitted). Teamwork is Key: Teaching Undergraduate Nursing Research and Critical Appraisal of Evidence. Nursing Education Perspectives.
  2. Chen, H. L., Kao, T.-S. A, Reuille, K. M., Northouse L. (Accepted for Publication) Treating Cancer Patients and Family Caregivers as a Unit of Care: An Implementation Study. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing.
  3. Bryan, C., Grothaus, E. J., Lewandowski, K. A., Suh, S. M. A., Reuille, K. M., Topp, R. (Accepted for Publication) Attaining Quality Matters certification for an RN-BSN program. Computers, Informatics, Nursing.
  4. Kao, T.-S. A., Reuille, K. M., Taylor, C., & Caldwell, C. H. (2019). Parenting practices within the context of family: A mixed-methods approach. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28, 2243-2258. doi: 10.1007/s10826-019-01441-5.
  5. Pierce L. L. & Reuille, K. M. (2018). Instructor created activities to engage undergraduate nursing research students. Journal of Nursing Education, 57, 174-177. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20180221-10.
  6. ORCiD id/site: 0000-0001-8107-2433
  7. SCOPUS ID: 8718581100
Last Updated: 10/7/24