Rocket Wellness

healthy u hero

Featured Healthy U Hero

Q: What is your name?

A: Russell S.

Q: Tell us how you conquered obstacles, lost weight, and/or maintain a healthy lifestyle.

A: Since the initial screening, I have lost 40 pounds and dropped my total cholesterol from 190-150 by counting steps with my Fitbit and eating small meals every 3 hours.

Q: What is the biggest challenge you have had to overcome in order to reach your goals?

A: Getting started.

Q: What has been the greatest tool to help you get to where you are today?

A: Fitness tracker competitions with coworkers and packing healthy food to eat.

Q: Any other words of wisdom?

A: You need to still eat food you love but in moderation.

Are you a Healthy U Hero?

We don’t need to be ROCKET scientists to know that Healthy U employees are remarkable, so let’s hear your inspiring stories! Each month, a Healthy U participant will be featured on our webpage and in our email newsletter. We want to hear about your wellness accomplishments, struggles, and advice to other UT employees. To participate or nominate someone, please fill out this survey.
Last Updated: 7/15/24