Workshop on Advancing Controlled Environment Agriculture on Land and in Space in the Next 20 Years

Poster Presentation Instructions


Two posters will occupy each side of a 4 x 8 ft poster board (Four posters in total on each board). Therefore, each poster should be no larger than 3.5 x 3.5 ft (110 x 110 cm). Additionally, a margin of 2 in (5 cm) around the poster is recommended as illustrated in the diagram to the right.


A number will be assigned to each poster. A corresponding number will be placed on the board to which the poster should be affixed. 


Presenters are encouraged to bring their own pins or other materials to attach posters to the board. A limited number of pins will be available for use. All attachment materials must be removed at the end of the session.


The poster session is scheduled for Tuesday June 27. Attendees will also be encouraged to view the posters during scheduled coffee breaks.  Presenters should have posters in place by 10 AM on the first day of the meeting. Posters should be removed at the end of the day on June 28.

image size for event presentation posters: 110cm total width and height, 5cm margin around poster, 100 cm width and height of poster


Posters should contain a combination of text and illustrations that provides a self-explanatory description of the work. This frees the presenter to discuss the content with attendees instead of explaining it. Sufficient text should be provided for explanation but should be as succinct as possible.

Key Elements

Each poster should indicate the title, author names, and affiliations. Good posters begin with a crisp description of the objectives and a summary of the conclusions. The procedure description should focus on key elements and any uncommon techniques used. The results section should include a combination of illustrations and text that guide the reader to the conclusions drawn. Provide only the data needed to support the conclusions. A summary of the conclusions should be provided at the end along with acknowledgements and references.

Text and Figures

Poster text should readable from 5 feet away; a minimum font size of 24 point is recommended. Figures (illustrations, charts, tables) should be sized so pertinent details also are visible 5 feet away. Use color and artistic elements to enhance comprehension but remember simplicity and readability are paramount.

Register to present

To present your poster at the workshop, please complete and submit the form below. Application deadline is June 1, 2023.


Last Updated: 7/15/24